[Chapter 10:]

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It was time.

All of Kim's plotting and planning had resulted in me looking glossy, and shiny like a brand new penny. My curls from earlier had dropped and fell in pool of onyx on my bare shoulders. The dress I'd torn my closet apart for was subtle, but sexy. It was a rich, short, burgundy number that hit just above my knee, paired with my best nude Le Silla strap heels and a clutch.

My lips were stained a dark red color, which brought out the natural plumpness, and my eyes were rimmed with a thin swipe of kohl, which highlighted their light brown quality.

I looked good...pretty even.

The shrill ring of my phone sounded through the quiet room. I picked it up sliding it open quickly, Kim's name was at the top of the screen along with a text.

Allow yourself to be seduced tonight ok?

I scowled at the message wondering why I was even entertaining her bullshit.


"We've set a date!"

I couldn't hear a word Kim had said over the roar of the hairdryer. Ella was currently away at a birthday party/ sleepover extravaganza (the invitations words, not mine) having the time of her life. I was a little concerned at first, she'd never slept the night at anyone's house who wasn't related to her but after the parents of twins assured me numerous times that she was in good hands, I'd let her go.

Kim and I on the other hand decided to make the best of our three day weekend by having a little catch up day gossiping and getting our hair done.

Trying to keep my mind off a certain somebody....

I shook my head and looked over at her trying to decipher what she'd just said, "What?"

She rolled her eyes as she turned down her dryer to a low purr.

"I said that we've set a date! Lamar and I? You know, for the wedding?"

Well that was quick.. I thought dryly. Even my thoughts were dripping with sarcasm at this point. Kim was never one to waste time. She was a go-getter, and once she had a set date for something she set her planning skills in motion.

I bit my lip and tried to hold my tongue, Lord help me get rid of this bitter spirit! "So when's the planned date?"

A lazy little smile popped onto her face as Trina, one of the stylists, finished combing out her dried hair.

"December 14th."

Approximately seven months to plan her dream wedding.

How perfect...

I flipped the magazine over looking at the headlines.

Kim Kardashian expected to birth another West baby...

John Mayer/ Katy Perry feud continues...


"Why the 14th?" I asked

She fingered a loose curl and Trina swatted her hand away mumbling something along the line of 'If you touch this unfinished hair again imma burn you..." She gave me a look and both her and I giggled. We had no idea what gender Trina truly was. Her voice was deep tremble with a rough accent, and she always had on copious amounts of makeup on so it was impossible to tell. Word around the shop was that she was a transgender woman from New Jersey before she came to East Malibu.

It didn't matter to me what she was. She was the best damn hair stylist on this side of the country.

"The 14th was the day three years ago when Lamar first told me he loved me."

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