[Chapter 20:]

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Fridays in the office were normally dull, but today it seemed as if the whole office was buzzing with tension, or some sort of unseen "happening" that was slowly on the arrival. All of this was probably due to the fact that three members of our office were up for promotion.

Even though only one of us would be able to claim the spot.

And there goes that tension...

I was up against the office bimbos, and that fact alone made me wary. What if by some off chance Markus promoted one of them instead of me?

God, i'd be pissed.

Along with the weight of that, Ella's party planning was almost complete for next weekend, except for a few minor things that weren't really anything to be stressing over.

Even though I still stressed over them...but I guess that came with being a mom....

What didn't come with being a mom was worrying about if I should let my daughter met her father for the first time.

"So I'll see her?" He drew in a sharp breath, "Next sunday? After her birthday?"

Another thing that didn't come with being a mom, having these conversations with her...sperm donor about when he can meet her for the first time.

I rubbed my temples and tried to remind myself of all the good things that could come of this situation, but ultimately came up with all of the things that could go wrong with this whole thing.

She could get hurt Sage, and so could you. This whole damn situation is messed up because he's dying, why the hell does he have to be dying? Why couldn't he just have a treatable disease like malaria? No scratch that...why didn't he just stay away? Staying away has worked for the past six years.....ugh.

This is the right thing to do, Sage. Don't deny her the father she's always wanted.

She deserves this.

I clutched the phone tighter upon that realization but answered nonetheless, "Yes Noah, you can see her," I made sure to clarify exactly what I meant, "But not for very long. You know your boundaries."

I didn't want him getting too attached to her or vice versa...we were just going to take this whole thing slow and steady. We would "accidentally" bump into him at the park and we would go from there. Easy peasy.

He huffed over the line, "I know it won't be easy the first time...you know, being able to really see her and explain this whole mess,"

You're telling me!

I scoffed and interjected, "You still haven't even explained to me why you left Noah, and if that part of your life continues to be a mystery this will be your first and final time seeing her."

A promise, and a threat....

"I know Sage. You have no idea how many things I need to tell you...I just want to make everything right again."

The thought of him trying to make things 'right' nearly made me laugh. Since when had things ever been right with him? From the get-go our relationship was fucked.

A knock on the door pulled my attention away from a rambling Noah to a less than ecstatic looking Jay with a grumpy looking Lukas on his heels.

This should be interesting...

I looked at them both in confusion before speaking lowly into the phone, "I'll call you later Noah, a client just walked in."

Noah huffed and managed a half assed 'I love you' before I rolled my eyes and hung up without another word.

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