Reviving Sage

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2014. All Rights Reserved.


"Look at me." he whispered, and even as he spoke his voice caressed my skin and I felt every cell in my being come alive. As our eyes connected I knew I wouldn't be able to leave him.

His cerulean hued eyes blazed with an unfimilar intensity and lust I had never had the pleasure of witnessing. And I knew in that moment I would allow him to take me.

"You are mine."


Single Mom Sage Collins isn't really one for romance, and after being asked to be her bestfriends maid of honor - her hopes of being married by the age of thirty disappear by the second. That is untill Ansel Callahan, the groom's older, sexy, bestman sweeps into Sage's life with his dark past and secrets, and as the duo gets closer Ansel unlocks a world of lust and sex that leaves her wanting more, but as obstacles, and ex's return will Sage like her bestfriend, get her happily ever after?

Read before you continue:

Welp, I've finally done it!

This story is literally my baby, and I've been tweaking it and waiting for the right moment to upload the first part.

This seems to be that moment!

But, a little disclaimer before I begin. This is my first major Adult fiction on Wattpad. And it's not one of those bullshit stories where the end leaves you feeling angry that the main girl didn't get the guy.

Hell No.

Or some cheesy Sex stories where all they do is fuck the whole plot (even though sex plays a major role in this story. So if that bothers you...well toodles!)

Also another thing I will try to make this story as realistic as possible (that means no head over heels love at first sight, maybe lust, but definitely not unconditional, heart renching, toe curling love.)

And lastly yes the main character Sage is African American, and the lead male Ansel is Caucasian among other things, and that plays a HUGE part in this story. And NO she is not overly ghetto, though she is sassy, and If any of that bothers you...well this story might not be for you either.

Ultimately, Ladies and Gents I'm just trying to provide you with a fresh new voice that you can read along with and not be disappointed.

(Due to later sexual content in this story the rating might change from PG-13 to Rated R)


Reviving Sage Where stories live. Discover now