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  Hey lovelies!

I am truly sorry for the delay of chapter 11. My laptop has been acting crazy for the past month and I've  finally just had to ask Santa for a new one for Christmas....

   I will however be getting the new laptop for Christmas and as soon as it's up and running I will edit chapter 11 (which has been finished for sometime now) and upload it to wattpad.

   Thank you all for the countless comments and messages and for all the support I've been getting on this story! I am proud to say this this little story of mine is almost to 100k reads in such little time. (Which is FREAKING AMAZING!)

   I would like to address a couple of things while I write this little memo from my phone though...

   1: Sage can represent all types of women. She's strong, but has her fair share of insecurities like many real woman out there, and I'm sure many of you can relate.

  2: Sage, again, is slightly insecure (at the moment) so when she says she doesn't  have a small ass it doesn't mean she's a big girl, she's just been through a lot and she's broken up (you'll  learn later why) she's had a really hard past which is why it's hard for her to open up to people, or men.

3. The actors who I ENVISION as Sage do not have to be who YOU see as Sage. Many of you think that Sage is a bigger girl, but she's  not. Now, before someone comments something like 'wow I'm not gonna read because  I thought the author cared about big girls but she doesnt.' Don't go there. I'm thick, and it love being thick. I have hips but also a flat stomach which throws some people off, but I love stories with big girls as main characters...

  This however isn't one of them.

  The main person I model Sage after is Tika Sumpter. (Her look and style is everythaanng)

  But...if you don't particularly see her as Sage and would love to see who I'd envision  Sage to be if she were thick I'd definitely say Lisa Visagie (she is so gorgeous and her hair gives me so much life.)

   Welp. I hope that clears up anything and if not please comment below with concerns or opinions or anything and I will definitely answer back!

  I hope you all can stay chill until the 25th when I get my new laptop and post the next chapter:)

   Until then peace, love, and Ansel (BTW check out that yummy pic of him to the side and by his side is Lisa Visagie incase you were wondering)

   Love you all!



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