[Chapter 9:]

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He was there.

The man who'd always watched her, who sought after her, who craved her...

Silently lurking in the confinement of her dark living room..


His large frame commanded the space from which he was bound.

There was a stillness in the air as he finally turned to her...

A look in his eye...

A quiver of her lip...

And a shift in demeanor...

The current in the room was electric. A pulsating rhythm motivated by the beat of their hearts.

Undiluted chemistry.

So raw, so consuming, so titillating.

So Stimulating.

Her mind was racing. He shouldn't be here.

Who was he?

She opened her mouth to speak, but could form no words.

She wasn't afraid.

She craved the attention he'd offered. She knew.

This moment was inevitable.

She watched herself from above as her two legs carried her to him. Watching as her hands twitched, aching to touch the stubble on his jaw, but she held firm while gazing into those clear pools of blue.

"I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be. I'm not a good person Sage, I'll hurt you."

His voice was husky like she remembered and she writhed under it. The cadence was like a drug, a sirens song, charming her to do what he wanted..

She stepped closer to him bracing the rejection. "I'm yours." She whispered. "Do what you will, but don't ever desert me.".

There was a charge...

A look...

And an understanding...

His lips claimed hers and she was lost.

They both tore away at the meaningless fabric that separated them. The rough pulls, and hands did nothing to slow down the fever in their touch...

The reverence in their sighs.

The choked moans of their arousal...

It had always been this way.

His teeth nipped at her swollen sex and she jerked into his mouth. He could tell she was close, a lap or too more and she'd come undone in his arms, her honeyed juices would flow, and he'd drink his fill.

"Baby please." She panted.

He smiled against her entrance . He could still smell the fragrant saltiness on her skin that made him melt. She could dissolve all of his problems with the tiniest flick of her hand, and break him with a single nerve. She was strong.

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