[Chapter 6:]

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I sipped my wine looking over at Kim “Red and Green! Are you kidding me? That’s just so Christmas-y.”

   Kim frowned and continued to flick through the page’s of some wedding magazine she’d picked up while shopping. We had been sitting in her living room the whole afternoon going over some of her wedding ideas. Most were great, but a Christmas themed wedding when she didn’t even have a date set? I had to talk her out of this one.

   She sighed again. “I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing Sage….I don’t give a damn about colors I just want to be Mrs. Lamar Lancaster.”

    What a sight to see, a sappy Kim.

     The door to their garage swung open revealing a sweaty but grinning Lamar. He was probably working on his prized classic car. Typical. He strolled over and pressed a kiss to her head. “Baby I want that too.” He whispered huskily staring intensely at her. I looked away and blushed while she pressed a kiss to his cheek then shoo-ed him away.

   “Go. You’re all dirty and sweaty, and I will not let you ruin my new carpet with those shoes.” She replied smiling warmly at him.

    A smirk marred his features and he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.  “You certainly didn’t mind me being dirty and sweaty last night.” Oh God. Here we go.I coughed to mask my laugh as she chucked her shoe at him. Lamar was laughing too as he disappeared into the kitchen.

   She then turned to face me with a playful scowl, embarrassment and love still in her eyes. “Stop laughing and help me pick colors you nut!”

    "Back to colors. Focus Kim!" She rolled her eyes and started talking about Red and Green again.  The cynical and weary side of me was back out in full force. Like always. “ Red and green? As maid of honor I vote no.” I paused and thought about it “Speaking of maid of honor’s…have you picked who you want the other bridesmaids to be because may—“

   “Sage!” she held up a hand trying to stifle her laugh “You get so riled up over the smallest things, I’ll have bridesmaids, but to be honest I want this wedding to be small and modern.”

   I scoffed “And red and green is modern?”

    Her eyes narrowed “Says the girl who wanted to rainbow paint her dorm wall in college…”

   I cringed that was horrible. I swatted her arm “Hey! That was before I knew how big a deal color schemes were, and that has nothing to do with weddings!”

  She rolled her eyes playfully as Ella stumbled into the room. “Why not just ask Ella what she thinks hmm?”

    She shrugged in a ‘why not’ gesture. “Ellie babe, come here.”

   Ella smiled came and climbed into the spot between us, and peeked over onto the magazine page.“Watcha’ need auntie Kim?” I smiled at her as Kim pointed down to the colors.

    “Which colors do you like best baby girl?” she asked neutrally.

  Ella’s little eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and it was times like this, that she really looked like Noah. A small zing of heartache hit my chest. Some days she reminded me so much of him that it hurt to look at her.

   God, why am I even thinking of that ass-wipe. If he loved us..well her he would be here, and not off doing god knows what in some far off place.

  “Oooh! I like those colors Auntie Kim! They’re so prweety’!” I looked over at the colors she had picked out, surprised not to see some bizarre color scheme, but a steel grey, vibrant green, and neon yellow. What through me off guard most was that the colors actually meshed well together. Way to go Ella. Kim tilted her head to the side staring intently at the page.

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