[Chapter 25:]

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That picture, tell them about the picture Sage.

His mother who looked nervous but still collected took over the questions from that point on and as he was about to leave I finally found the courage to tell him.

"Officer Duncan," he turned back around and waited, "When I found him--I-um-- there was a ripped photograph next to him that hadn't been there before the break in."

His eyes searched mine, and he quickly pulled out a notepad, "What was the photograph?"

"It was a picture of Ansel and his-- ex-wife." I finished gruffly, hating the taste of those words in my mouth.

His face had scrunched in confusion as he nodded, "Well, I'll have somebody scan it for prints." He handed me a card, "Keep in touch with me if you remember anything else, okay?"

I'm missing something...

The small card was heavy in my hands as I nodded, "Okay."

I stood there for a moment with a sinking feeling forming in my gut.

Something was so off with this situation.


One week later:

I felt it the second his body shifted away from mine.

The way his hands, generally roaming and warm, were now fisted and cold. His face strained and red, fighting against the inevitable, and then the slight tremors, followed by the shaking and the disconnect of our two bodies before I finally had to wake him up reminding him that it was all a dream, a nightmare to be more accurate.

All because of a bastard with a gun traumatized him.

I cupped his stubbled chin as his sleepy blue eyes finally settled on me, before sadly realizing what had just happened.


"Mierda," I gave him a sad smile as I took him in my arms, "I'm sorry, Sage. I need to get it together. I can leave if you--" he was still shaking slightly and I tried my best to hold him still.

I'm not letting you go...

"No," I silenced him with a kiss before I sighed, "You're not going anywhere." I gave him a soft look as his hand reached for mine, "Are you going to tell me what they're about?"

Why do you even ask? You know he's still reeling from that night.

"I-don't--" He threaded his fingers with mine and looked away for a moment, "I can't stop replaying that night, Sage." He sighed, drifted into a trance-like stare, "In my dream, I walk into the house, and I can't breathe, I can't move and the guy-- he's just-- watching me until--" His voice trailed off as I tucked a stray piece of hair back into place.

My voice was barely a whisper when I asked, "What happens next, Ansel?"

"Please don't ask," He shook his head, "I-I just I would never forgive myself if something would have happened to you," his lips grazed mine for a brief moment, "I don't want to lose you and Ella."

No, no, no!

I shook my head fiercely, trying to shake off any fears that came with his words,"You won't. We're not going anywhere; we love you." My heart was a Steel drum in my chest as I took a deep breath, "I love you. You are perfectly safe here," I managed to give him a small, nervous smile, "You belong here with me."

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