[Chapter 7:]

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“Six to eight weeks is the normal recovery time for any break.” Dr. Pressley explained flipping through her chart. Ella tried to peek over into the chart as if she could really tell what all the markings meant. She had insisted on sitting with Ansel as soon they wrapped his cast up the first time, before the initial casting. I wouldn’t dare let her be in the room when they re-broke his hand to set it, but I was there. I’d held his other hand like a supportive friend through the process.

  Why you ask?

    I had no freaking clue.

    I guess it seemed like the right thing to do since my mini me broke his hand…but that’s neither here nor there.

   It was amazing to see a man of his size screaming and cursing in pain, but as soon as it had started it was over. I had let go of his hand, trying to ignore the tingling sensation touching him caused.

    “You should be lucky Mr. Callahan.” She paused and looked at him with a wry smile “It could have been a lot worse, Your wrist could have shattered and you’d have to have reconstruction surgery.” I winced and shot a look at Ella, and I could see her little frown deepen. I didn’t have the type of money to pay for something as expensive as that. My insurance wouldn’t even cover it. Oh Ella.  She knew as soon as I gave her the look, we had went over this time and time before not to slam doors on people walking behind you. She had closed my hand up in doors a time or two and it had hurt like a bitch, but thankfully had never broken anything. I looked up at Ansel, and he seemed fine now though his hand was heavily bandaged.

    “Your metacarpal, proximal phalanx, inter-phalangal joint, and some more of your carpals are all unfortunately broken, but since the hand is one of the fastest places where bones heal, it should be all healed up in about four or five weeks.” He nodded and gave her his insurance information before she asked him what color he wanted his cast to be. He paused for a moment in thought before turning to Ella who was sulking in her chair next to me.

   “Ella..” he called softly, and she raised her eyes to meet his. He cracked a megawatt smile “What color should I get my cast? Can you pick one out for me?” Now it was my turn to look at him. He raised his brow in question, and my eyes narrowed to slits. What is he doing? Did he know he’d be trapped to a pink cast for a month or two?

    Ella’s mood perked up and her little eyes widened as she looked at me with unspoken uncertainty. It was that look. The one that made all parents say yes, and before I knew what I was doing I gave her my stiff nod of approval. Her eyes light up and she smiled before bouncing over to Dr. Pressley. The kind older doctor smiled as she led her out.

   “We’ll be right back with your cast Mr.Callahan.”

   And then there were two…

   “I am so sorry.” Were the first words spoken into the thick silence.

     “It’s fine Sage. Accidents happen all the time.”

   He smiled and gracefully slid off the hospital bed, wary of his hand. I quickly stood and went to help him, compelled to help by some unknown force. I took tentative step toward him, but ended up tripping on one of the hospital wires in the process. One minute I was walking upright, the next minute I was flailing toward the ground and mentally and physically preparing myself for the fall.

     But there was nothing. I didn’t fall.

     I didn’t fall.

      Instead I was acutely aware of two strong arms catching me. I didn’t think as he pulled me up and into his arms, letting his arms lower and encircle my waist. Oh my god. My body was pulled flush against his, and I was truly aware of how much larger he was than my own petite frame. I was aware of very muscle that rippled against my skin, aware of the distinct smell of Armani cologne and aftershave he wore, and I was aware of the way he held me up effortlessly showing no sign of pain in his clear blue eyes which were darkening by the second.

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