Its Been A long Ass Time *PLEASE READ

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Hello lovebugs:)

I never thought I'd have to courage to do this, to actually put words to the overwhelming feelings and emotions I've felt the past three years since i've been away, but here I am doing just that, and I've never felt more happy to be back. I want to thank ALL of you for the outpouring of love and support both myself and this story has received.

I've been on Wattpad on & off again for nearly the last ten years of my life. As a youth, I used Wattpad for recognition and status, which resulted in me taking a long hiatus from the craft.  As a 20-year-old in college,  I now hope to use Wattpad as a creative outlet to help me make sense of the world through musings on life, love, and friendship, and I hope my writings have inspired others to find a little nugget of happiness and hold onto that thing for dear life. Now that I'm a little older and a tiny bit wiser (just a sprinkle), I am finally able to sit down and write this out.  I've lived a little, I've learned a lot, and along that path, I fell deeply in love with an older man (more on that later). But, In the process of multiple breaksups and reconcillatiions and this crazy random pandemic, I've begun to reflect on the cirumcstances of my life, and the moments that matter

I uploaded Reviving Sage to Wattpad in 2014 during the summer before I started my highschool career. Because of the content of my story, most of yall just assumed I was older or more mature based solely off of the words I used to convey my messaging and it really spoke to a gift I didn't know I had, the ability to touch the lives of others with my words. I want to reconnect with this gift, and I think I'm finally ready to start taking those steps. I'm beginning to work on the next chapters of Reviving Sage and I hope to finish this nearly 7 year saga by the Spring of 2021 (God willing) to begin the process of editing and hopefully even major publication. I only for see about ten or so chapters left to Ansel & Sages's tale, but their love story belongs to y'all now, I gotta see this thing through because it's only fair that way. Please stay tuned for further updates and for those of you who've been asking I'm finally ready to share my social media with y'all so you can find it below if you're interested in what I look like, or my crazy ass daily antics (which @GoddessWarlord can attest to).

Thank you all for being patient, for remaining kind, for everything. My message box is finally back open so feel free to hit me up there or on my social media! Much love to yall💓🥰

IG: antisocial.blkgrl
Twitter: antisocialcyd

Oh, Y'all thought I wouldn't leave yall with a preview of Chapter 27? Have a little faith, Enjoy this small drabble by yours truly


(Chapter 27: Sneak Peak)


 My smile grew wider as I recanted the night before. Almost nothing was special about it, we'd spent most of the evening with Ella as she cleaned her guitar with the kit Ansel bought for her after her birthday. The air was a little drafty due to the seasons changing, finally settling into fall, meaning it was the perfect time to bundle up under a blanket with a good book and a hot cup of tea. I did exactly that after Ella was fast asleep, glasses on, fluffy hoodie secured, barefoot, with a copy of 'Call Me By Your Name' poised in my hand. Ansel, who'd all but actually moved in, lounged in the spot next to me. His unruly curls going haywire, brows furrowed in deep thought at the manuscript he was reading, and hands taking turns stroking the hair on his chin and tapping his calloused fingertips against the left side of my ankle where skin met the metal of a gold anklet gifted to me by Kim.

I don't know when the mood in the room shifted, perhaps when pandora shuffled and the heady strings of Satisfaction by Malia started to play, or maybe it was when I shifted slightly and my foot grazed his crotch to discover he was already hard. I still remember the look he gave me, heated, private, amused. I burned under his gaze. I don't know who made the first move, I don't even know how we made it upstairs, but as I dogeared my well-worn copy of André Aciman's classic, our lips connected and I was lost.


"Sage.." Ansel waved a hand in front of my face, "You okay? You zoned out for a sec.."

"Totally okay," I laughed awkwardly before cringing at the sound of my own voice, pulling myself together in enough time to stand and give him a quick kiss before passing him his lunch, "I just thought I'd surprise you with your favorite."

"Chopped chicken with mandarin sauce?" I nodded and he groaned before giving me another kiss, "Have I told you how much I love you today? You're the best."

   I shrugged nonchalantly before standing, "Well, 'the best 'really should be getting to her open house that starts at 2:30."

    He pouted as he held onto my hand, "That's like an hour away, sit with me for a second."

    Damn you, puppy dog eyes. 

    I sighed but couldn't help grinning as I tried to move to the seat across from him but he had other plans as he pulled me into his lap.

    "Ansel!" I squealed, "I'm in a skirt!"
    He chuckled darkly, "So? It gives me better access..."

    My face flushed, a bit annoyingly as I swatted his hand away, "We are not fucking in your office."

  It took only a second before I realized how ridiculous I sounded turning down sex when my anxiety was at an all-time high. 

Okay, I'm ready to have some common sense. Please disobey that dumbass order, and fuck me in this office.

  "I know," He rolled his eyes playfully, "I wasn't suggesting that you let me spread you out on this desk or anything...What an insane thought, Sage. Get your mind out of the gutter!"

    I lifted a finger to him and tried my hardest not to laugh before I failed miserably, "I hate you."

     He kissed my cheek gently before his lips were in my ear, "Dont forget, it's opposite day, honey."
     We both shared a laugh.

His warm hands slid down the length of my calf muscle to the strap of my heels on my ankle, "These are new..."

    "They're Jimmy Choo..."

      "Jimmy who?"

    I giggled, "He's a designer."

   "Hmm," he toyed with the strap again before giving me a devilish grin, "They're sexy on you."

    You should see me as I struggle to get into these bad boys...sooo sexy.

"You just like them because you don't have to bend down to kiss me when I'm wearing them."

  "No," he chuckled, "I like them because one day soon I want to fuck you while you're only wearing these."

   Oh, well, there's THAT...

       I bit my lip and tried to think of a rational response that didn't involve me giving him permission to spread me over his desk.

    "Maybe 'one day soon' could mean tonight when you come home." His eyes darkened slightly and his grip on my thighs tightened. I tried to quell all of the thought of him bending me over his kitchen counter with nothing but these shoes on. Legs spread wide, his hands steadying my hips while his tongue worked away, seeking out the most intimate parts of me.

    I groaned audibly and closed my eyes, 

     "You've got yourself a deal."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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