[Chapter 3:]

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The rest of the evening was pleasantly uneventful. Michael— after finding out Ella was my daughter seemed to turn him off me, and I was glad. His flirting ceased completely as soon as the words left my lips.

      Thank God.

   Between my thoughts drifting to the mysterious Ansel Callahan seated across from me, and my mind trying to process why my daughter was so infatuated with him already, tonight was already a little weird. It was odd. Ella wasn’t one to shy away from conversation, but when she was around strangers she did tend to avoid small talk.

    But, not with him.

It worried me immensely.

    The man had barely spoken five words to me, so how was he able to carry on a full conversation with my daughter?

    I really need to remind Ella about stranger danger.

  The table was cleared, and the dinner party minus myself had retired to the living-room as the night wore on, speaking on Kim and Lamar's upcoming nuptials. I placed the last pan of leftovers into the fridge and turned to make my way out of the kitchen.

     “Need a hand?

  I nearly dropped the tray I was holding as soon as his  deep voice penetrated my ears. I placed it on the counter and whipped around to see his bulky but lean frame blocking my way out., and his deep blue eyes staring directly at me. I instantly stepped away from him, it was like he was sucking the air out of Kim’s kitchen.

    He unnerved me.

   I sucked in a gust of air to fill my lungs. “I’ve got it, I was just coming to sit down.” His delicious mouth quirked into a small, knowing smile.

   Oh god, did I actually just think his mouth was delicious?!

 I need to get a grip, and go home.

   I moved forward towards the door expecting him to move, but he stayed put where he was. I tried to shuffle past him without touch, but his hand shot out, grabbing me.  My first instinct was to fight, but his touch was soft and friendly. It also gave me a terrible case of goosebumps.

  His eyes connected with mine, searching and searing. His gaze was trance-like. He was somewhere far away. The muscle in his jaw tickled drawing my eyes away from his, and to his adams apple. I couldn’t look him in the eyes.

   “Did you need something?” I asked quietly gesturing to his hand still wrapped around my arm, and my chest brushing his lightly. Something in my chest constricted as a piece of his silk-like hair fell out of place and over his forehead. Though he looked absolutely mouth watering, he was honestly freaking me out.

     I need to get home to a bed, and wine like now.

   His lips parted as if he wanted to speak, but he closed them seeming to snap out of his haze— releasing me.

    I rubbed the spot where his large warm hand had been, and walked into Kim’s living-room.

    He was obviously a fucking weirdo, and I needed to keep Ella away from him.

I walked in to see creepy Mike, Lamar, and Kim engrossed in conversation. I cleared my throat catching all of their attentions. The watch on my wrist ticked. 9:15.

   “Ella and I are gonna’ head home now.” I spoke trying to keep my voice even, but Ansel had really startled me. 

   “So soon? But it’s a Friday night! I was just about to pull out a bottle of Tequila.” Kim pouted, and Ella’s head peaked up from playing with Coco.

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