[Chapter: 22]

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I was halfway convinced that I was falling in love with him.

And I was scared as shit.

I don't know when the hell that happened, but I could feel him changing me. I could feel the neediness creeping in, and the butterflies whenever he so much as breathed in my direction. But, it wasn't just that. I was starting to become infatuated with the small things he did, when he was talking, when he was frustrated, when he was singing off key in the shower...

I laughed softly to myself and then sighed in realization.

I was, most likely, falling in love with him.

And I couldn't do a damn thing to stop it.

I carefully eyed the naked, sleeping, blue eyed giant who was possessively wrapped around me with his head in my chest. The cool breath seeping through his parted lips tickled my skin, but made me smile happily and run my hands through his unruly hair.

Every day since our reconciliation this is how i'd woken up, to him holding me close and keeping me warm. Something that was so foreign instinctively became habit after five nights. I didn't want him to leave, and he didn't want to go. So he stayed, one night turned into two, two into four, then five and here we were, sharing space. Ella and I would indulge him in breakfast, and sometimes he would cook for us. And, when we both went to work, we would come home when our long days were over to enjoy eachothers company.

Needless to say, Ella loved it, and I did too.

This was bliss. Nothing was better than this.

Maybe it would be a bad idea to fall in love with him...he was just...perfect in his own quirky way.

I smiled and chuckled at myself, what the hell am I thinking? I can't be falling in love with him this quickly. We just got together.

This is ridiculous, I need to calm down.

He shifted slightly and his face tilted perfectly into the crook of my neck.

Dammit, he smelled good so good...

"I thought I wore you out?"

I squeaked and looked down at him again, only to see his vivid blue staring intently at me.

How the hell does he wake up so damn cocky?

Well Sage, this is Ansel we're talking about here.

I smiled and pushed his hair back, "Good Morning, Ansel."

He was so sexy when he had fresh stubble.

He chuckled and kissed my shoulder, "Mornin' baby."

The butterflies in my stomach were reeling up again at the sound of his endearment.

Chill out, Sage.

We lapsed into a comfortable silence for a small moment and I gladly welcomed the silence. It gave me a chance to think. It was a big day for everybody, but especially Ella. So many things were going to change today, and I didn't know what to do.

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