Chapter 2: Got To Plan It

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I sat at the table with Phoenix and Jeet discussing war strategies. Phoenix was out of it, she wasn't focused and it was odd. I think her and Max being apart really took its toll on her. Jeet placed his hand on her shoulder supportively and she snapped out of it, regaining her hard stare, she was acting more like a hard imperator recently, she's not the same sweet Phoenix we knew, she was a stone cold warrior.

Ariadne and Max on the other hand had started to open up a little to each other, they talked more and they supported each other. Max was a little angrier than usual, but it wasn't anything weird coming from Max.

"Alright" Phoenix stood up, placing her palms flat on the table top, her hair thick, black hair tied back in a red bandanna. "We need Intel, I'm thinking I can capture some war boys, hold an interrogation-"

"That won't be necessary, birdie" Jeet cleared his throat, putting his feet on the table and bringing his arms up behind his head. Birdie was the nickname he starred using for her, referring to the mythical bird she's named after. "I know who's running Bullet Farm" Phoenix and I stared at him, furrowing our eyebrows in confusion. "She's a reaaaaal bitch, used to trade with her before she rebelled and went psycho"

"Who?" I asked, Max killed the bullet farmer, so none of us had any idea who was running things now. Jeet held his head, twisting some of the metal pieces to try and subdue his headache. He let out am angry sigh, rubbing his temple.

"Her names Skitzo, shes crazy, you don't understand" he cleared his throat, shifting awkwardly "I know her well... Uh, we had a... Thing" he scratched his head "she might not be too happy to see me again" I chuckled a little bit, wondering how crazy she had to be for Jeet to ditch her.

"So, you know what we're up against?" Phoenix asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Pretty much, she'll go to any length to win a fight, no doubt she trains her men to think the same way." I rubbed my chin thoughtfully before getting to my feet and stretching.

"Alright, we've done enough for today. We'll discuss more tomorrow when Ariadne and Max are with us" I spoke, and watched them make their way out. I stopped Phoenix before she could leave, and she turned to face me. "Phoenix, i'm gonna need you and Max to reduce the threat in the wasteland before we can plan the attack..." I spoke cautiously, not wanting to anger her.

"Yeah, I know, I'll speak with him" she replied calmly.

"You and him okay?" I asked, looking into her hard, grey eyes. She had built walls up again, and these wouldn't be so easy to break down again.

"No, we're not. But if it involves work then we can function" I sighed, wanting to convince her to make amends with Max, he couldn't even sleep anymore, and I'm sure she couldn't either; but I knew she wouldn't listen. I nodded sternly, and she returned it before walking away with the dog at her heel, he wouldn't leave her side.

I made my way up to Ariadne's room, walking in on her and Max mid conversation. "Oh, sorry, I'll uh-" Max and Ariadne's eyes met mine, both with a look I couldn't describe on it.

"No, it's alright" Ariadne cut me off, looking over at Max again who stood up and walked past me into his own room. I sat next down to my lovely Ariadne, wrapping my arm around her as she laid her head onto my shoulder.

"He alright?" I asked quietly. Intertwining our fingers.

"He's doing his best, he's being quiet again but he's pulling through, I'm trying to get Phoenix and him to talk but they both refuse" she sighed, pushing her golden hair behind her ear.

I didn't say anything else about it, I lifted her chin and brought her soft lips to mine kissing her gently and holding her to me. "So, we have some Intel on bullet farm, Jeet says he has some history with their leader, a girl named Skitzo?" Ariadne chuckled.

"Thank god we don't have to go blindly into war, did you talk to Phoenix about reducing the threat?" She asked, laying back on her bed with me.

"Yeah, she said she'd talk to Max, hopefully everything's okay" I sighed, repeatedly kissing her head. I held her close, feeling her breathing as she drifted off into sleep. I played with her soft, golden hair and let it fall between my fingers, this moment was perfect and just looking at her lovely, sleeping face made me feel like everything was going to be okay.

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