Chapter 13: I Need My Family

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These night fevers were getting really bad now. I was really worried about Max and Phoenix. Furiosa wasn't back either. I didn't know when Jeet was comming back, but I'd hope it was soon. I was aching everywhere. It was getting really bad again. It's only been a few days but the sickness was progressing quickly.

I heard footsteps outside my door and everyone came in, including a little boy. A little boy in the wasteland? I wonder what happened to him. I sat up, my body ached from movement. "Hey" I say weakly. I was to tired to say anything else. Phoenix quickly gave me a hug. "I missed you so much, how are you feeling? Are you okay? I've been worried about you since Furiosa told me you were having night fevers." She said, worry and concern filled her voice. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. Who's the little guy?" I asked softly. He hid behind Max's leg. He was shy. I'll introduce myself later, when I'm feeling better.

Dog grabbed the little boys hand with his teeth gently, leading him out of the room. Everyone sat next to me on my bed. I started to shiver again. Max covered me with his leather jacket. I looked up at Phoenix, "It's getting bad again" I said, my voice shaky. I clenched my fists weakly, holding back the shivers. I wiped the sweat off my.forehead an leaned against Phoenix, to weak to keep myself up.

"I'm glad you guys are okay" I spoke quietly. "Oh course we're okay, you know we can make it through everything" Phoenix said, worry still in her voice.

"You need to rest" Furiosa said calmly, masking the worry in her voice. I could hear it though. I layed down, curling up in Max's jacket. Max and Phoenix left the room, I heard them talking as they walked down the hall. Furiosa stayed by my side. "I love you. I promise I'll be okay. I'll get better" I say quietly. She smiled and kissed my softly, rubbing a cold wet cloth on my face.

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