Chapter 8: Where Are They?

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"I don't understand..." I sighed, scanning the horizon again, he sun was setting, it was getting dark and we were far off from the citadel. "There are NO war boys, no buzzards, nobody.... This isn't right..." Max's eyebrows furrowed and he brought the car to a stop, both of us getting out and taking out binoculars. The dog sat in the small gap between Max and I.
"What's going on...?" I mumbled mostly to myself, usually the wasteland, especially around here, was crawling with enemies. "Something's wrong, Max, we should head back" Max turned and looked at me for a moment, examining me, he opened his mouth to say something but shut it before anything came out and walked back to the car and got in. Dog and I followed and Max started the car.

She sputtered to life and we turned in the direction of the citadel. The car began to shake and sputter, Max and I exchanged a worried glance, we were out of fuel, and neither of us thought to bring any with us. The car stopped and we sat in the wasteland, shocked.

"Well, uh... What do we do?" I looked at Max, who gripped the steering wheel hard. Dog whimpered in the back.

"Nights coming, we need to make shelter" his voice was rough as gravel, giving me chills.

"I packed food and water, enough for a few days, I'm sorry I should've thought to bring fuel" I  placed my head in my hands I was so mad at myself.

"It's alright" he rasped, getting out of the car, dog and I followed meeting at the trunk as he opened it. We took out some sleeping bags that we always kept in TE car, and found whatever junk we could in the car we could use I tart a fire. "If it gets to cold, we'll sleep in the car, depending on how long you can make the fire last, we'll have to use body heat to keep warm" I glared at his emotionless face, he wasn't trying to get me to cuddle him, our lives depended on keeping warm, night fevers were nasty, and not a lot of people made it though them.

"We should sleep in the car come nightfall, use the sleeping bags as blankets" I cleared my throat and he grunted, nodding his head and putting the sleeping bags in the back seat. I took out the food, handing him some and feeding the dog. He watched me, face as hard and cold as the day I first met him, he shut me out as much as I did. I passed max one of the canteens of water and he nodded his head in thanks, I poured water into my hand from my own, letting the dog drink and eat before I did. He climbed back in the car and curled up in a ball, preserving body heat

I began to shiver, the sun was almost gone and the freezing night was among us. I managed to start a small fire, warming myself best as I could in front of it. Max wrapped his leather jacket around my shoulders, and then the sleeping bag. My hard grey eyes met his crystal blue ones and we stared into each other for a moment.

He sat down next to me, poking the fire and wrapping himself in one of the sleeping bags. "I didn't mean uh.." He started, breaking the silence between us "to uh, leave you... I-" he stopped, closing his eyes tightly and shaking his head. I wondered if it was the voices that caused his rash actions, and as mad as I was, I couldn't help but to feel bad. I sighed, bringing myself closer to him and opening his sleeping bag. He stared at me confused, but opened his arms and held my body close to his, sharing out warmth under the sleeping bags. He stared down at me for a moment, not really knowing how to process the sudden interaction, he wrapped his arms around me.

"I might've over exaggerated it a bit" I mumbled, nestling my head into the crook of his neck.

"You're just hotheaded" he chuckled, I glared up at him, narrowing my eyes and he smiled at me, something I haven't seen from him in a while.

"Hopefully they send someone to look for us... We're stuck here until we can find fuel, and we'll run out of food and water" I sighed, "we might die" I joked but not really, death in our situation was definitely a probability. Max said nothing, probably not wanting to think about me dying. Dog crawled out of the car and curled up in a ball right near us, and we pulled him in, covering him in some if TE sleeping bag, all we could do now was keep each other warm and survive, all we could so now was wait.

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