Chapter 16: What's Up

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I walked into Ariadne's room hoping to catch her awake, but I held my breath when I saw her sleeping with Furiosa. I smiled, looking at them for a moment before walking back out and closing the door silently, she needed rest, I'd talk to her later. I walked down the corridor, taking off the red bandanna and letting my hair free fall, I walked into Max's room, Dog got up quietly, walking to me and giving me kisses as I crouched to greet him. I looked up at Max sleeping and I smiled, turning to him and placing my hand on his face gently, I noticed Tommy curled up in Max's arms. I kissed Tommy's head and he shifted, his little hand grabbing my finger tightly. I looked back up at Max, staring at him for a moment and then kissing his forehead.

I made my way out, deciding to let him sleep. Dog was at my heel, following me whenever I went, I wandered to the upper levels, where Jeet usually was keeping lookout. I found him sitting on a big chair, with his feet up, rubbing his temple and staring into the night. I sat next to him, leaning back and letting Dog curl up in my lap.

"Hello" he chuckled, handing me his bottle of the makeshift alcohol he created, I never bothered to ask what he made it out of and I didn't want to, I drank some and handed it back to Jeet. "How's the kid?"

"His names Tommy" I smiled, thinking about the sweet boy sleeping in Max's arms. "He spoke to Max today" Jeet sat up a little, looking at my face.

"You look troubled, what's up?" He turned his chair to face me now, looking like a warlord, somehow the chair he sat in made him more intimidating. "You miss Max, eh?" He smirked.

"No." I lied, speaking more harshly than I should've, but I knew Jeet saw right through it. I sighed, everyone around me just kept asking about it, even Ariadne every night was telling me I needed to fix things with Max, but I didn't know if I wanted to, I didn't know if he wanted to. We were fine where we were right now.

"That's too bad" Jeet stretched his arms out "he misses you" I looked up at Jeet who stared out at the starry sky now. I thought about when Max and I watched the stars and I felt the tears well up in my eyes, but I choked them back, refusing to show emotion. "You should hear him talking to himself in that garage" he laughed a little "always talkin about people he couldn't save, you and Blondie, he's hurtin' Phoenix"

"We're all hurting" I said sternly, looking out at the sky. "We're good where we are now, no problems, nothing to worry about" I sighed, dog whimpered in my lap looking up at me with his big eyes.

"You're so hot headed it's not even funny" Jeet laughed handing me the bottle again, I took a generous swig.

"Coming from you?" I teased, he scoffed, then nodded.

"Got me there" we laughed a little. He reached his hand over and pet Dog behind the ear, and his tail began wagging as he nudged Jeet's hand with his head.

"You think Ariadne's gonna-"

"Oh, she'll be fine, blondies a tough one" he smiled, I looked at him a little uneasy but he rubbed my shoulder comfortingly "she'll make it out alive, Phoenix I promise" suddenly Dogs face shot up, looking behind us. Jeet and I turned around to face Tommy who was rubbing his eyes tiredly. He walked over to Jeet and I, Dog moved into Jeet's lap as Tommy crawled into mine, resting his head on my chest and closing his eyes. I wondered how he found me, considering he didn't really know this place that well. Jeet placed his hand on Tommy's head, scuffing his hair.

"Whatcha doin' awake little warrior?" He asked in a gentle voice. Tommy opened one eye and looked at Jeet, smiled and hid behind his hands, giggling. "You hungry?" Tommy shook his head and nuzzled into me.

"I'm gonna take him back to Max's room" I said standing to my feet, Dog sat with Jeet, deciding to keep him company, I kissed dogs head, and then Jeet's cheek before saying goodnight and walking away. Tommy wrapped his little arms around my neck and his little legs around my waist, clinging onto me as I walked through the citadel. Ariadne was awake now too, walking towards the cafeteria to get some water, I assumed Furiosa was still asleep. She stopped to greet me, smiling at Tommy in my arms. "How are you feeling?" I asked, hugging her with my free arm, being careful with Tommy who was staring at Ariadne.

"Little dehydrated" she rasped "but I'll pull through" she rested her hand on my shoulder and looked at my face for a moment. I loved Ariadne with all my heart, she was the closest thing I ever had to family and I didn't know where I'd be without her. "You fix things with Max?" She asked.

"I guess" I sighed, not really knowing where we stood. She half smiled at me, nodding her head and going to retrieve her water, I knew she just wanted me and him to be happy. I walked up the stairs and through the corridor towards Max's room.

"Hey" Tommy's little voice spoke up from my shoulder and I froze in my tracks, he lifted his head to look into my eyes, placing his little hand on my face. "Don't be mad, he's really nice" he mumbled. I smiled at him a little, and he laid his head back down. I opened the door and Max stood right there, a worried look on his face.

He saw Tommy in my arms and let out a sigh of relief, I guess he woke up and couldn't find him. "He wandered and found me when i was with Jeet" I walked into the room, laying the boy back down on the bed. He curled up in a ball and closed his eyes, I turned and looked at Max whos eyes were all over me. We stared at each other for a moment not knowing what to say.

He walked close to me and pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes and snaking his arms around my waist. I held my breath, placing both of my hands on his neck and we stood there in silence. "I'm sorry, Max" I breathed, and his crystal blue eyes opened and looked into mine. He moved the hair out of my face cupping my face with his hands and looking at me for what felt like forever. I kissed the palms of his hands, saying goodnight to him before making my way out again, he watched me, saying nothing, his eyes pleading for me to stay. I smiled at him, making my way out of his room. I wanted to stay with him, but I needed some air and I knew for a fact Ariadne wanted to say some stuff to me earlier but couldn't in front of Tommy. I made my way to the cafeteria and found her sitting at a table alone. I joined her both of us exchanging a smile as we talked.

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