Chapter 5

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~one week later~

*Shays pov*

So it has been one week sense I made the house rules. I think that it will work out great. We always came home and didn't talk to each other. That was as of one week ago. Now every time we come home we always talk about are feeling on a certain call or just any arguing on the trucks/ambo. I like how me and Kelly can be like this. I love him to death and when I told my mom she was like "wait I though you were gay?" It was funny because I am gay but I think of Kelly and everyone else at 51 like my brother and sisters.  I don't want to go to work today because I don't feel vary good, but I have to go because I need to talk to Dawson. I here that we will be getting someone new on Squad 3. Severide is kinda excited but nervous to meet him or her. I get out of bed and walk downstairs I see a note on the table and it is from Kelly.
Went to the store to get milk and eggs for at the fire house. See you when I get there. Oh and chief knows I will be late.


Oh okay, Kelly isn't home and I have to leave soon. Did he forget that he is normally my ride. I have to get my license. I don't want to have to depend on him for rides to and from the fire house. I take my phone out and dial Gabby's number. (Conversation with Gabby.... G- Gabby L- Leslie)
G: Hello?
L: Hey Gabby it's me
G: Hey Leslie, do you need a ride? You never call me unless you need a ride. Well you never call me in the morning.
L: yeah Kelly left early to get milk and eggs for the fire house so I have no ride.
G: okay I'll be at your place in 10 minutes.
L: okay see you later.
G: bye
L: bye

I don't know what I would do with out my partner Gabby Dawson she always saves me.

Gabby came and picked up Leslie and they are on there way to the fire house.

"Thanks again Gabby, for the ride"
"No problem Shay, don't sweat it."
"Your the best. Did you know that?"
"I know..." Gabby pulled the car to a stop sign and she stopped. She looked left then right then left again. Then we heard sirens. I turned around and saw a fire truck coming. Gabby quickly patella parked to let the fire truck go by. When we looked we could see that it was Welch and his people. "I don't like that guy Shay." "I know Gabby. I don't think anyone does." We both started to laugh when Gabby pulled out. She came back up to the stop sign once again and saw nothing. She started to go. Right when we were in the middle of the road a car sped right into the side of my door. The car hit us with so much force that we ended up slamming into a tree. The tree being located on Gabby's side. After we stopped moving I saw that Dawson and I were sitting right next to each other. Then I realized that the middle conceal was gone and the car squished in. Gabby and I could probably kiss with each like this. We were that close together. I tried to look out the window but I could see anything. That's when thinks started to go black.

~back at the fire house~

"Anyone see Dawson or Shay?" Chief asked as he enter the kitchen area. "No chief." Everyone said or they shook there heads no. "Someone find them." Chief order and the lieutenants were on it. Casey looking for Gabby and Severide looking for Shay.

~Back with the girls~

*Still Shays pov*

I could hear my phone ringing but I couldn't open my eyes. I felt so light headed. I finally got enough energy to open my eyes and I see Gabby unconscious. I tried to say her name but everything went black again.

~At the fire house~

"Battalion 25 to main." "Go ahead Battalion 25." "Can we get fill in paramedics for Shay and Dawson they have not shown up yet." "They are on there way. Till they get there we will put ambulance 61 as unavailable." "Thanks main." "Let us know when they get there." "Will do."

Truck 81, squad 3, engine 51, Battalion 25, Ambulance 91 car crash on Kennedy and Chestnut.

Every one was running to there trucks. When we all got on scene we all were upset. Severide got out of the squad and ran to Chief Boden. "Boden that's Gabby's car!" Everyone rushed and saw that the girls were trapped and unresponsive. It took the guys 15 minutes to get both girls out. The guy in the other car was dead. You could tell he caused the accident because of the skid marks on the cross street. Opposite of where the girls skid marks would have been if they tried to stop fast. Once we got the girls to the hospital we all say in the waiting room.

It has been 3 hours and Chief had house 51 stay at the fire house unless we got a call. It was going on 4 hours now and we see a doctor come out of one of the rooms. He walks over to the waiting room.

"Family of Leslie Shay?" The doctor said with a sad look on his face. Everyone stood up and we waited for the results.
"Miss Shay has............

Haha I left you all with a cliff hanger.... I don't like these when I read but they are fun to creat. Plus I have bro clue where I'm going to take this story yet so... This will give me a little bit of time 👌... Will update soon... Love ya all... 💘😘💙

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