Chapter 19

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Matt's POV

We got a call for a house fire. It was pretty bad, we stayed for a good 2 hours until the fire was under control. When Truck 81 got back to the fire house i took off my gear and started to walk toward the kitchen area. I heard the TV on and I knew something was up. I walked in slow and on the couch was Gabby and Pouch. They were both sleeping, dead to the world. As everyone came in they were kinda loud and Gabby started to stir. She moved her leg and that made Pouch get down, But the dog went to the floor right in front of the couch and fell right back asleep. I went to go tell Gabby to go to my office where there was a bed and so Mouch could have his couch back. As I bent down to touch her Pouch stood up an started to growl at me. "Hey, Knock it off!" I started to reach for Gabby and the dog growled at me again. "Really? Can I not touch my girlfriend?" He just stood there and started to wag his tail. "Gabby!" I yelled and she shot right up. "What?" She looked at me with confusion in her eyes. "Come to bed." "Okay, help me up." I looked at her then at Pouch. I reached out and took her hands and Pouch started to growl at me again. "Really dog?" Gabby of course started to laugh. "I have a protector apparently." I chuckled then to Gabby to my office, making sure Pouch didn't follow.

Shays POV

I can't believe I'm still in this hospital. I want to go see Gabby. She is pregnant but i don't know how far along she is. I wish she would come visit me. I think something is wrong. "Miss Shay?" Its Doctor Williams. "Yes?" I ask looking up at him. "You have a visitor." I give him a wide smile and nod my head. "Hey you!" Its Severide, Thank god. Maybe he can give me some answers. "Hey." He comes over to me and i see he is carrying a couple of bags. "Whats in the bags?" He looks at me then smiles. "Hope you don't mind but i came by this morning and you were asleep, but i got into your purse and got your keys. I brought you some new clothes, your mail, and food." All i can do is smile. "I don't mind, thanks for looking out for me."
"Anytime Shay." He hands me some food. We start to eat and he hands me my mail. "How long have I been in the hospital?" "4 days." I'm surprised. I really had no clue I was here for that long. "Before i open my mail, tell me about Gabby!" Severide looks at me. "She's fine. Got out two days ago, But she has been in danger, she and Matt are going to be living with me. We got almost everything moved out of there old house. Oh, and she is pregnant." My eyes must of gotten really wide because Severide starts to laugh. "Don't worry her and the baby are fine. I believe she is two months." "WOW!" I'm so glad she is okay. I don't know what would have happened if her or the baby got hurt. She was even driving I don't know how she only got out like fine. I stick some food in my mouth then start to open my mail. "So how much room do you have in your house?" I ask. "Well I have 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, there is an upstairs and the kitchen is big, the living room is huge." I open some junk mail, and then I opened some thing from my land lord.
Leslie Shay,
You have not paid your bill for this month. If you do not pay within the next week (Must pay by February 3, 2014) I will have to evict you.

David Quinn

"Oh my god." I look at Severide then the door because a can feel a tear escape from my eyes. "Hey." Severide grabs my chin and make me look at him. "Let me see." I hand him the letter. He reads it. "I cant get the money!" I say as more tears escape from my eyes. "Hey, just come live with me and Dawson and Casey! They will be together in a room I have my room, there are two room still not taken. You can have one."
"Really?" I look at him. He smiles. "Its done, your living with me!" Knock. Knock. Knock. "Come in." I say. "You discharge papers ma'am." I take them an sign them. I hand her back the papers. "Thanks!" "You can return to work once you get your cast off in 5 to 7 weeks, But you can't drive and you have to have someone with you at all times." "Okay." I grab my clothes and hobble to the bathroom. I change slowly. "We can start to get your stuff out of your house. I'm off shift today. Figured I come and visit you." "Okay." "I have a storage unit we can put the furniture in till we can go throw it all. That is where I'm also supposed to put Dawson and Casey's stuff. I have a moving company doing there's right now. I can get them to do yours to. I know the guy who owns it and i get a 50% discount." "That would be great!" Ring. Ring. Severide answers his phone. "Hello?..... Yeah..... Okay.... I'll be there in 10 minutes..... okay.... see you soon Tyler..... Bye."
"Who was that?"
"Tyler the owner of the moving company there are leaving Casey's now."
"Okay, lets go!" We leave and get in Severide's car. It takes us 8 minutes to get to the storage unit. It is huge. A 18- Wheeler pulls up soon after. "Everything but the bed, night stands, and dressers." Severide says. "Okay Kelly, where to next after that?"
"My house. Hey what are you doing on Friday?"
"Working, why you need a move?" Kelly looks at me. "Yeah, Leslie got evicted and needs to be out by Friday. We are going there now to start to pack."
"Well i have like 30 boxes back here, and they day is all yours."
"Thanks Tyler."
"Sure thing Kelly." It takes them 10 minutes to unload then we head to my new house. Kelly, me, Dawson, and Casey all sharing a house outside of work. This is going to be great. I'm watching Kelly talk with Tyler once more before we leave. I'm in the car because my leg started to hurt. He looks so good in his muscle shirt. I think i'm starting to fall for Kelly Severide.

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