Chapter 28

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2 Months later

Shay's pov

I think something is wrong with Gabby.  She hasn't been acting right.  She hasn't been eating much.  Today the boys were going to do a construction job.  It will just be me and Gabby.  It's 6:30 in the morning.  Kelly rolls out of bed.  "Have a good day baby.  Be safe!"  I said as he came over to me.  "Sorry for waking you princess.  I will.  Don't get in trouble today.  I'll text you when I get a chance."  There was a slight knock on the door.  "That's Matt.  I love you."  Kelly said as he gave me a kiss.  "I love you too."  I said as I rolled over.  "Leave the door open please."  I said as he left out the door.  

I'm awaken by a weird sound.  When I finally wake up enough to realize that it was Gabby.  In the bathroom again.  She has been like this every morning for a week.  I get up and run to the bathroom.  I open the door and see her hunched over the toilet.  I grab her hair and put it in a bun behind her head.  After about 5 minutes she was done.  She stood up and brushed her teeth.  Thank god today was our day off.  We still had tomorrow off too.  "Maybe we should call the doctors."  I said to her.  "Yeah.  Can you get me the phone."  She asked me as she walks to the living room.  "Yeah."  I went to the kitchen and grabbed the phone and made some toast.  Once the toast was done.  I put the toast on the plate and  walked to the living room.  "Here."  I said as I handed the phone and the toast to her.  She took both and thanked me.  She dialed a number in the phone and took a bite of the toast.  After about 10 minutes she hung up the phone.  "And?"  I asked her.  "Doctors appointment at 12."  She told me.  I looked at the clock it was 10 o'clock.  "I'll take ya."  I said.  I want her to know that i'm here to support her.  "Okay.  Thanks Leslie."  She said as I gave her a little hug.  "I'm gonna jump in the shower.  Door will be unlocked."  I said.  She nodded her head and laid down on the couch.  I went to the bathroom and got in the shower.  "Les, Kelly is on the phone for you!"  Gabby said bring me my phone.  I dried my hands off and took the phone from her.  "Hello."  I said.  We talked for a good 2 minutes before I told him I was in the shower.  I told him I would call him later.  We hung up and I finished up.  I got out and I looked that the clock.  It was 11 o'clock.  I got dressed then went to the living room to see Gabby still in her pj's.  "Gabs come on.  Time to get dressed."  I said.  She got up slowly and walked to her bedroom.  I knew she wasn't feeling good because she was wearing sweat pants and a baggy sweat shirt.  "I'm ready."  She said as she walked out.  I grabbed the keys and we went out the door.  

"Gabby Dawson?"  The nurse asked.  We both stood up.  When we got back to the room the nurse took her weight and height.  "So why are you here today Miss. Dawson?"  The nurse asks.

Gabby's pov

Once the nurse asked me what was wrong I didn't have to take long to come up with the answer.  "Well I think I may have a stomach bug."  I said.  After about 5 minutes the nurse left.  It took the doctor 10 minutes until she got in.   "Miss. Dawson?"  The doctor asked.  "That's me."  I said.  "Hi, my name is Dr. Abby Hope.  What is it that seems to be the problem today."  She asked as she shook my hand.  I explained to her the problem and it didn't take long for her to say what I never thought of.  "Are you pregnant?"  She asked me.  I swear my jaw hit the floor.  "Um. I don't think so."  I said.  "Okay well i'm going to have a nurse come in and take your blood and we should have the result with in 10 minutes."  I nodded and she left.  2 minutes later the nurse comes in.  I give her my arm and she takes the blood.  After she takes the blood and before she leaves she stops to talk to me.  "Now, you can leave and we will call you, or you can stay and we will come back with the results.  But i have to say that if this test comes back for pregnancy then you will have to come back to get an ultrasound done."  She told me.  "I'll just stay."  I said.  She nodded then left.  I looked at Leslie.  "I never thought the possibility of me being pregnant." I told her.  Terror must have been in my eyes because she comes over to me and gives me a hug.  "Hey, it's going to be okay."  She said as she kissed my head.  Leslie is like my sister and she treats me so nice.  we stayed like that for a long time.  "I actually feel better when you hold me.  I don't feel sick."  I said as she went to pull away.  She went to the back of the bed and made it so it was in a sitting position.  "Stand up."  She said.  I stood up and she sat down on the bed.  "Come here."  She said.  I went to her and I laid my head on her chest.  She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.  I ended up falling asleep and woke up when Leslie started to call my name.  

"Gabs.  The nurse is back with the results."  She said.  I was scared but I shot right up.  "Miss. Dawson."  She said.  She handed me the paper at the same time as she said "Congratulations." I looked at the paper.  I skimmed it till I found the Pregnancy test and it said positive in the column.  I looked at Leslie.  I started to cry and she wrapped me in a hug.  "It's gonna be okay."  She whispered in my ear.  "When do you want to do the ultrasound?"  The nurse asked me.  "When will you be ready?"  I asked her after I got the tears to stop coming out of my eyes.  "10 minutes?"  She said.  "That will be fine."  I told her she nodded.  "I'll be back when i'm ready for you."  She said before she left the room.  

I looked at Leslie.  "What am I going to do?"  I asked her.  She looked at me and the tears started to come again.  She wrapped me in another hug.  "It will be okay.  You are going to be a great mom and Matt is going to love you and this baby."  She said as she put her hand on my belly.  "But what if it's to soon?"  I asked her.  "Hey.  It will be okay."  She told me.  We sat there for a little bit.  I put my hands on my belly and was rubbing it.  Soon the nurse came in.  We walked to the other room and she had me sit down.  "Pull up your shirt please."  She said.  I did as I was asked.  "It's gonna be a little cold."  She told me as she put the jell on my belly.  It was more than a little cold.  It was freezing.  She turned the monitor on.  She put the wand on my belly and I saw a little peanut type thing.  "That's my peanut!"  I said to Leslie as I was crying again.  "Yep, that's your peanut."  She said with a chuckle.  "Okay it looks like you are 2 months or so.  Your due date is May 17th."  I looked at her.  "That means that I got pregnant on August 17th  which was me and Matt's 6th month."  I whispered to Leslie.  She nodded.  "This is what happens when you leave me along! On my anniversary!"  I told to her.  She started to chuckle.  "Shut up."  She said.   The nurse handed me the pictures and wiped my stomach off.  "Your good to go."  She told me.  She left and we did to.  We stopped at Staples.  I used there printer and made 30 copies of the ultrasound photos.  I kept the original but I was going to be able to give people the pictures.  I gave Leslie the first copy.  "Aunt Shay."  I said to her as I tapped on her shoulder and handed her the paper.  "Awe!  Thanks Gabby!"  She said as she gave em another hug.  I went to the picture frame area and found the perfect picture frame.  "This is what i'm going to do to tell Matt today.   I'm going to put the ultrasound in the picture frame then i'm going to hand him the picture thinking it is going to be something else.  Or I can hang it up and hope he doesn't realize."  I told Les as we checked out.  In the car I put the ultrasound in the picture frame.  I found a Sharpe in my purse and I wrote May 17th 2017.  It looked so cute!  "Do the second option.  Hanging it up."  I smiled.  

When we got home Les helped me hang the picture frame up and it looked so great.  It blended in perfectly.  I smiled at what I have done with my idea.  I also was smiling as to what Matt and I have created that I get to carry for 9 months well 7 months now.  Leslie and I ate lunch and it actually stayed down.  I ate chips, and a sandwich and had water.  I was on my table all day researching as to what I can have and what I can't have.  I heard a car pull into the driveway.  I closed down the browser and ran to the window.  It was Kelly and Matt. I sat down and the front door opened.  Kelly came in first and Matt walked in second.  "Hey guys.  I have to tell you guys something."  I said to them.  

Okay sorry for the jump in time but........ really wanted to get this in. What will happen when Matt finds out?  Will he think it's to soon?  What will everyone at the fire house say? There is so much to ask but that is for you to ask yourself.  I love you all. Vote and Comment! And definitely Share please.  How do you all feel about a Dawsey Baby? I love you guys <3

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