Chapter 14

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Gabby's pov
(5 weeks later!)

I ate my breakfast. I didn't have to worry about hiding my pregnancy. It felt good to know that I didn't have to hid it. I go to the doctors today. Possibly get this cast removed and get cleared for work. Ring Ring. I jump because I was deep into thought. I didn't look at my phone I just answered it.
Gabby: Hello?
Chief Boden: Gabby!
G: hey chief, what's up?
CB: just checking in. I have a question for you?
G: I have to tell you something first. I love my job on ambo and I want to come back to work if I get cleared and work till I can't no more.
CB: that is what I was calling about. Making sure you were still planning on coming back to work if you could.
G: Chief with all do respect. Hell ya! I wouldn't give up my job for the world.
CB: that's my girl. Well I'll talk to you later.
G: okay bye.
CB: bye.
I hung up with him and I got ready for my appointment. It's 8 o'clock and Matt is already at shift. I miss him and I kinda wanted him to come with me, but I'm glad he went to work. I grab my jacket and keys and walkout the door locking it behind me. I go out to my car and go around the driver door. "Oh my god!" I say out loud. I pull my phone out.

Matts pov

Ring ring:
Matt: Hey babe?
Gabby: Matt I have a problem.
M: what's wrong?
I'm now standing and starting to walk to Bodens office. Following me is Herrmann and Severide.
G: Someone broke my driver window and slashed my tires.
M: okay I'm going to talk to chief I'll call you right back to back inside don't answer the door to anyone!
I hang up and I'm running now. "What's going on Matt?!" Kelly yells behind me. I ignore him but not on purpose. I run right to the door to Bodens off and walk right in. "Casey what's up?" Chief says. He must see the way I'm acting. "Someone slashed Gabby's tires and broke her driver window she has to be at the doctors by 9." I say in a pleading way to let me go take my truck to her. Boden stands up and walks out of his office. Me, Kelly and Christopher following him. "She's going to be okay and she will make it to the appointment!" Herrmann says patting me back. Ring ring.
M: Hello?
G: Matt help, there is someone at the door banging on it and I don't know the person. I called Antonio. I want you Matt. I want you.
M: Gabby im trying. Hold on ill be there soon!
I hang up again. "What's going on?" Chief says as he turns the corner to the common room. "Gabby is in trouble."
He walks in to the common room. "Okay everybody! Listen up!"

Gabby's pov

After I hung up with Matt I ran to the window. The guy is still there. I push the couch in front of the door. Then I move some more stuff in front of the door. I'm now running to the kitchen and I grab a knife. The biggest and sharpest one I have. I then run up stairs. I get in the closet and wait. Im waiting for this guy to find his way into my house and then what am I going to do? I say to myself. I think I hear sirens but I can't tell. I hid deeper into the closet throwing everything into a pile. All the blankets, clothes, and pillows into a corner of the closet creating this big pile. Then I move sow of the stuff and hid underneath it all. I hear shouting and screaming. I cover my ears. Im scared. I try to breath but I'm just so scared. Then it goes quiet. What's happening? I think o myself then the closet light flicks on. I hold my breath and force myself not to scream. "Gabby?!" It Matt! I push the stuff off of me and get up. He wraps me in a hug. "You came!" "Of course!" I look at the clock. "Damn it. I'm going to be late!" It's 8:50. No way I can make it in 10 minutes with all the traffic. "Come on." Matt says I grab his hand and we go out the kitchen and I put the knife away. Then I grab my purse and I run to the door. Matt helps me move the stuff and I run outside. "Come on Dawson. If we're going to get you to that appointment we have to leave now!" Chief says as he holds his passenger door to the Battalion car. I smile and hop in. "I'll see you there!" Matt says as he shuts the door. Chief gets in the driver seat and we're off. Lights and sirens heading to the hospital. We make everyone move out of are way. I look behind us and see 51 following. We get there and it's 8:58 I hop out and go to the front desk. "Gabby!" Kendra says behind me. "Right on time I see." I look at her. "Wouldn't have been if it wasn't for my family." "Dr. Halstead!" Kendra says. Will comes over and we head back. Matt following of course. I hold his hand as we take the cast off. While he is doing that April his nurse is checking my vitals. "Her BP is up." Will looks up. "What do you mean up?" "210/80" He looks at me. "I can explain!" I say. I tell them everything that happened then after I'm done with my story Aril checks my BP again and it's back to normal. She give Dr. Halstead a thumbs up and e goes back to the cast. One it's off we go get an x-Ray. He looks at it. Then he gives me some tests. "Have you been waking on it?" I look at him. "Yeah?" He smiles. "Well you doing now that caused your leg to work and strength the bones as it healed. You are free to go back to work and there will be no therapy for your leg." I smile. I get up and hug Will. "Thank you!" I say. Matt walks over to me and kisses me. "Come on we gotta get you to shift!" I walk out and tell everyone. "Well let's head back to the fire house and have us a good day today!" Chief says. We all walk out and I hop in the ambo next to Brett. "It is a good thing Chief knew you were coming back today." I smile. "Yeah." I say. "Welcome back Gabby! I missed you!" Brett says as she pulls out and heads to the fire house. Antonio calls me and I answer. He is telling me all about this guy that was outside my house and about my car and crap. Then he tells me what I don't want to hear. That me and Matt are in danger and can't come home. "Great!" I say as I hop out of the ambo with so much attitude that everyone can tell something is wrong. "What's up?" Matt says as he comes over and hugs me. "Tonio said we can't go home. That were in danger. He said after shift we are supposed to call him and then he will meet us at the house so we can pack some things. Then we have to leave." "You guys can come to my place." Severide said with a smile on his face. I walk over to him and hug him. "That you Kelly!" "Yeah no problem. You know If you guys wanna move in that fine to." He says as he looks at Casey. "You being serious bro?" Casey says. "Yeah I miss you guys. You know living together." I look at Matt. Then I look back at Kelly. "I mite take you up on that offer." Then I walk to the kitchen and get food. Me and my baby are hungry.

Thanks for reading guys. Vote and comment and give me ideas to please. I'm still trying to figure out when I'm going to have Matt propose to Gabby and how exactly. Have any suggestions? Don't forget to share the book please. If I can get 1000 or 1000+ view on this book I will write 2 or 3 chapters and publish them on Christmas!!! ❤️ xoxo

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