Chapter 27

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Antonio's pov

All I remember was going to my car.  The next thing I know i'm getting the shit beat out of me and then everything goes black until I hear Leslie talking to me. I open my eyes and see my little sister asleep on the chair next to me.  I look past her and see my kids on the floor asleep.  I see its dark outside and I wish I could see a clock.  I don't think there is one here.  I push the button for the nurse and I just sit and wait.  I don't want to wake them.  They will just ask me what happened and I don't know if even I know what happened.  I feel fine.  Sore, but fine.  By the looks of my body I see a couple of bruises on my arms.  There is a bandage on my wrists which means they were tried together somehow.  I also fell like my chest is gonna collapse which probably means I was beat in my stomach area.  The nurse come in and sees everyone is asleep and instantly goes quiet.  "How do you feel Mr. Dawson?"  She asked me as she checks me.  "Please it's Antonio, and good."  I say as she takes my blood pressure and write stuff down on my chart.  "Good.  Vitals look good you will be able to leave in the morning."  She said as she started to put everything away.  "That's good.  Thank you."  I say before she leaves for the door.  She turns to me and gives me a smile.  Then she turns and walks out of my room.  I reach for my phone and when I look at it I see it is at 10%.  I look at the time and it is 2 am.  I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.  After what feels like 2 hours of not going to sleep I look at my phone.  It has only been 5 minutes.  "Ugh."  I say as I put my phone down.  I put my hand in Gabby's hair and she starts to stir.  After a couple of minutes she opens her eyes.  "Antonio!"  She says in an excited but loud voice which wakes the kids.  "Daddy!"  They say as they run to my bed.  Eva picks up Diego and sets him in the bed.  "Be careful kids.  Has a nurse been in here yet?"  Gabby asks.  I shake my head yes.  "Hello babies.  I missed you so much!"  I say as they kids hug me.  After a little bit they are both asleep and Gabby and I are the only ones awake.  We talk for awhile about stupid stuff.  We don't bring up what happened.  Before I know it there is sun shining in the window and I have Will come in to check on me even though he isn't working today.  It's 6 o'clock when they give me my discharge papers.  I wake up my babies and we leave.  Gabby drops me off at my house and I have the whole day with my kids.  

Gabby's pov

I'm glade Antonio was able to be discharged today.  Today is me and Matt's 6 month anniversary.  I love him so much.  I told him to go home last night with Leslie and Kelly to get some sleep and that I would be home at some point.  When I get home I unlock the door and walk in quietly.  It wasn't burnt down yet so that's good.  I know I can trust them to not burn down a house together.  I walk into the living room and I don't see any beer bottles.  I'm surprised.  I go into Matt and I room and I see Matt asleep.  I walk over and lay beside him.  "Mmm"  Matt says as he stirs.  His eyes slowly open.  "Hey baby."  He says.  I snuggle closer to him.  "We will talk later.  Go back to sleep."  I tell him.  He kisses the back of my head as he puts his arm over me.  Soon he is asleep and I let myself doze.  

When I wake up I notice Matt is no longer beside me.  I get up and walk to the living room where I see Leslie and Matt sitting on the couch.  "Hey."  I say as I sit on the chair.  "Antonio?"  Leslie asks me.  "Home, safe and sound."  I say.  There is a sigh of relief escape from Matt and Leslie smiles.  "Well I'm going to go wake up Kelly so you guys can have the house to yourselves today.  "No it's fine let him sleep."  Matt says.  I don't say anything but i'm glad that Leslie is going to get Kelly out of the house for us today.  "No it's not fine."  Leslie says as she walks out of the living room.  Next thing we hear is Kelly grunting.  "Get up lazy.  We got to go."  Leslie says.  Last month Matt and I left the house for them to have the house to themselves and now it's there turn to leave.  Soon Kelly gets up and they are gone.  It doesn't take long for Matt and I to do our thing.  

Shay's pov

Once I got Kelly half awake I dressed him.  He fought me the whole time.  He can be a child sometimes.  Once he was dressed I put his shoes on and we left.  Once in the car he started to wake up a little.  "Where are we going?"  He asks me.  "Well I figured the mall for a little to buy some stuff and then where ever but we have to go to the grocery store at some point before we go home."  I say.  I pull into a parking space.  Next thing I know Kelly is kissing me.  After a couple of minutes we pull away breathless.  "Happy 6th month anniversary baby girl."   Kelly says.  "Happy anniversary my love."  I say back as we get out of the car.  We interlock our hands and walk into the mall.  It's 2 o'clock.   Kelly and Gabby slept in a long time.  Matt and I were up at 9.  We didn't mind though because we never get a chance to talk.  "Want lunch?"  I ask.  "Yeah where you want to go?"  Kelly asks me.  I look around and then point to Friendly's.  He nods his head and we start to make our way to the restaurant.  We get seated and our drinks are ordered.  "So after lunch we are going to go where ever you want."  Kelly says.  I smile and nod my head.  Our food was out in no time and we made small talk as we ate.  

After we ate our dinner we went to pay.  Before Kelly could even do anything I already have the girl my card.  "You are tricky there Miss. Shay."  Kelly says as he smiles.  "My treat."  I say as I sign the receipt and we leave.  We go into Aeropostale first.  We looked around and I bought Kelly a pair of jeans.  Then we went to Burlington and Kelly bought me a dress.  "You are going to need it for tonight."  He said.  Sense we didn't have the house to ourselves tonight I went with something attractive but not to attractive.  Then we went to Hollister and I bought a whole new outfit.  This consisted of a pair of jeans and a flannel.  Kelly also got a flannel.  After walking around for a little bit longer Kelly stopped me outside AT&T.  "What are you doing?"  I asked him as he grabbed my hand and walked inside.  He walked to one of the female workers.  "My princess here needs a new phone.  Would you be able to help us?" I almost smacked him.  "Of course.  what are you looking for?"  She said as she put the things in her hands down.  "Um."  I said as I looked around.  "Well the thing is she didn't know I was buying her a new phone.  That's why we need your help."  Kelly said.  "I understand.  Well what phone do you have now?"  The worker asked.  "Well."  I looked at her name tag.  "Amy.  I have an IPhone 4."  I told her.  "Do you like the IPhone's or do you want to go to Android?"  She asked me.  "Yeah I like it.  I wouldn't mind staying with it."  I told her.  She walked over to this area on the wall and we followed.  "This is the IPhone 6S.  Newest one out.  I have one and I'm happy with it."  She said.  I looked at the phone she handed to me.  It was a little big but still okay.  I realized it had a finger print scanner on the button.  That is cool. "Yeah I like it."  I said as I handed it back.  "Is that what you want?"  Kelly asked me.  After about 15 minutes I had a new IPhone 6S.  Plus my old one.  Kelly bought me a whole new phone but on the same plan we already have.  I have unlimited data, calling and texting.  We ended up stopping at this phone case cart thing.  I found a case that said Keep Clam I'm an EMT.  It was so cool.  I also got a case that had hearts on it.  "Thank you baby."  I said as we got back into the car.  I leaned over and kissed him.  "It was either a new phone or new car."  He said.  "But I knew you would have freaked if we got ride of this."  He said as he started to pet the car.  "Well I'm glad it was a phone. Where are we going now?"  I asked as Kelly pulled out of the parking lot.  "Well to get gas and for you to change.  Then Molly's."  Kelly said.  I smiled.  

The night went by faster than we thought. By the time we got home the lights were off and it seemed like no one was awake.  We didn't check we just went to the bedroom and did one of things we are good at.  

We had amazing sex.  

Thanks for reading.   Don't you wish your boyfriend/ girlfriend would by you a new phone or car for you 6 month anniversary.  Got a lot of comments about Shayveride being together.  Featured them a lot in this chapter.  I love you guys so much.  I have a plan coming up soon but there is going to be a time jump.  Don't know how long yet but there will be one.  Vote and Comment and Share this book please.... I love you all so much <3

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