the talk

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He was quiet as a cat in the night. Hands were turning blue from the cold. His breath was more visible than the people around town thought he was. He swore even his bright red hair was turning blue. God, he was cold. So, so cold. The kind of cold that couldn't be ignored no matter how warm you were.

He walked around the side of a house and knocked on the window. It was time to scare/confuse the shit out of someone. He wanted attention. He needed attention. The window opened, and he stayed to the side of it, crouching a little so he couldn't be seen.

"W-Who's there?" the stranger's face was hidden by the silhouette that shaded him.

He waited about a second before pressing his lips to the guy's cheek, whispering in his ear, "It's Mikey, babe," before running away, giggling as the guy yelled after him.

He loved the look on people's faces. The confusion. The terror. The absolute shock when something they can't see talks to them and kisses them.

Michael had heard what they thought about him. They thought he was a ghost. He tried not to laugh every time he heard it, because that would draw attention to him. He'd heard the sentence, "The MikeyMikey ghost came to me last night." about a hundred times, because he loved to scare people.

Some people were better than others. Some screamed their heads off. Some didn't react at all. Some even tried to pull him in their room so they could get a good look at him and see the MikeyMikey ghost so they could tell all their friends about it. He got away though.

He always ran back to where he slept. A treehouse in the middle of an abandoned lot. It was cool and out of the way, and stupid teenagers tried to go in the house in front of it, but Mikey always screamed to get them out. He was just looking out for them.

Tonight was one of those nights. He heard them coming from a mile away. He went inside the house and turned on all of the TVs, making sure they blared static as he ran upstairs. He turned on the cassette player. A fifteen minute tape of his voice before it dropped, making him sound scared and alone. They usually didn't last longer than ten minutes.

"H-Hello?" it started.

"Ashton, I really don't . . ." the front door opened up, and MikeyMikey hid under the staircase.

"Please come help me, I'm scared."

"A-Ash, please,"

"Relax, Calum, if you just saw him, he won't be here."

MikeyMikey started to scream, and so did the other two boys. "Get out before he gets you!" he shrieked, throwing a lamp at them, hearing it crash into a million pieces as he saw the door slam.

Considering that it felt comfortable, and he was sure that nobody would come back for the night, he rolled over and went to sleep, making sure the tape had stopped properly first. When he woke up, the sun screamed at his eyes, giving him a clear warning that it was daytime and he needed to be careful. He pulled his hair closer over his eyes and slipped some sunglasses and a jacket that was in the treehouse.

He pushed some money into his pockets as he got dressed. (He'd gotten money from the people he scared, because sometimes they were in places with a lot of money. Once he scared someone at a drive-thru and they left the till alone.) He walked down to the shops, pulling his hood over his head. He got himself some milk and cereal, not caring if he this was the only thing he had for the next week.

The guy at the register smiled kindly at him, trying to talk small talk, but Michael just grunted, claiming he had a hangover. The guy just nodded like he knew what that was like, when really he looked too innocent for that shit.

"Have you heard about that MikeyMikey thing?" the guy asked, seeming amazingly slow to just check out two things and the pale guy knew it was because this was his attempt to flirt.

"Yeah, he scared the fuck out of my best friend." Michael mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Look, man, there's people waiting," the guy looked over the supposed ghost's shoulder, seeing no one at all. "Can you please hurry up?"

The blond boy pouted a tiny bit, checking out quickly and Michael literally threw a ten dollar note at him and left. That guy does the same damn thing every time. The ghost went there once or twice every fortnight, and the blue-eyed boy tried to make a conversation every time. He just didn't bother to talk back.

He ate his breakfast in the park in a tree, swinging his legs as he watched two guys talk about MIkeyMikey in front of him. He tried not to laugh at how fucking terrified they were. They must've been the ones from the night before.

"Why'd you make us do that?" the Maori one yelled, pushing at the tanned blond-brunette's chest.

"Sorry." The guy grumbled, rubbing his chest. "You should feel flattered though. MikeyMikey kissed you."

So, he was the guy he kissed? He smirked. He definitely picked the right house.

The guy was fucking hot. With Maori running through his bones, his hair was black, his eyes were dark and his skin was a little darker than olive. Everything about this boy was so defined. His cheekbones. His lips. His arms. His legs.

The other guy wasn't too bad himself. He gave off a surfer sort of vibe with his long wavy hair that was tied into a bun and a nice tan. His arms were big, and he looked like he could lift Michael with his pinkie, which kind of scared him a little bit.

"MikeyMIkey kisses a lot of people."

Michael shook his head, taking part in the conversation, even though they had no idea. He just ate the cereal out of the box. He only kissed about two people, and the second one was ages ago. Like, when he was a little kid.

Calum and Ashton walked home, this whole thing having them on edge. The whole thing had everyone on edge, even though the parents claimed it was just their imagination. That was something they told little kids. These forms of human were teenagers. They couldn't be making shit up now.

MikeyMikey filled their conversations, his names slipping in and out of people's mouths like he was their best friend. The whole town was consumed by talking about this thing that went bump in the night.

And that's all Michael ever wanted. 

this isn't as great as i wanted it to be but i love this story to pieces 

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