the threat

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Michael didn't come back, MikeyMikey did and Calum was crying in his room when he saw him. MikeyMikey furrowed his eyebrows, biting his lip.

"Who hurt you?" he snapped, not meaning for it to sound so angry, but it happened anyway.

Calum hiccupped. "M-Michael."

He couldn't punch himself in the face, but he knew he could definitely be angry at himself. He growled, pacing around the side of the house. He then climbed in the window and sat next to Calum, putting his arm around him, holding him tight as he kept growling.

"I'll kill him later. I saw him crying but I didn't know what happened." MikeyMikey mumbled, his rough voice vibrating his own throat.

He gritted his teeth, getting a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lighting one up. Calum started to cough, grabbing the cigarette and putting it out on his bedside table. MikeyMikey glared and lit another one as he walked over to the window.

"Why do you smoke? You could die."

"Why do you live? You could die." MikeyMikey mocked, rolling his eyes.

"That's completely different," Calum sniffed. "You chose to smoke."

"Yeah, you can choose to die too."

Calum rolled his eyes. No matter how much he tried to prove the monster wrong, he still believed he was right. Maybe that was why he continued scaring people. Maybe that was why he was so persistent on smoking. Maybe that was why he was so snappy all the time.

"You're hot when you do that." MikeyMikey said, not even fazed as he blew out some smoke.

"When I do what?" Calum asked, hesitantly.

"Get pissed off. You tense and lock your jawline and furrow your eyebrows." The one who looked like he'd been majorly burned shrugged, "But you're always hot. It's just that makes me want to fuck you."

"Would you?"

"No. I don't like sex."

"But you just said . . ."

"I know what I said." Calum scoffed and crossed his arms, making MikeyMikey mumble a, "There you go again." but he pretended not to hear it. He pretended not to hear a lot of things, like the monster mumbling things under his breath about scripts and movies and Michael and a court date.

He never stopped talking to himself, but he didn't seem aware of it.

He decided to ask.

"You know you talk to yourself constantly, right?"

MikeyMikey shrugged yet again, blowing out smoke as he said, "I can't keep the thoughts in my head." He thought for a little bit. "Do you think I should surrender to the police?" Then straight after, before Calum couldn't even answer, he started to call himself so fucking stupid for thinking that.

"You really need to own up to what you have done."

"And then what? Go to jail and get murdered by one of their inmates because I apparently scared the fuck out of one of their kids? Fuck that." He threw his crushed cigarette butt out the window.

"They'd probably put you in a single cell because they think you're dangerous."

MikeyMikey ignored him, and sat in the corner. It wasn't long until he fell asleep there.

Calum woke up in in the morning, only getting about three hours of sleep. He rubbed his eyes and drunk about three cups of coffee while waiting for his boyfriend's friend to wake up. He ended up pacing around his room.

And then the door opened. Ashton and Luke stood there, their mouths hanging open at the fact that MikeyMikey was in the corner, fast asleep.

Catch him, Ashton's mind told him, you've never had an easier job.

"Ashton, no, you can't!" Calum yelled, but Ashton just pushed him out the way.

MikeyMikey woke up, still being MikeyMikey. He started to growl at Ashton as he got closer, because he didn't want to hurt him. He got up and looked down at the smaller boy, successfully intimidating him. His eyes were so fucking dark.

Ashton, obviously unprepared for capturing him, pushed him down onto the ground, straddling his back. But MikeyMikey was a lot more experienced in fighting than he was, and rolled himself onto his back so he was flattening Ashton. Then he turned around and grabbed Ashton's wrists.

"You want to play with me, pretty boy?" the monster asked, his breath smelling like smoke as it suffocated Ashton's face. "I'll fucking play."

And then, for MikeyMikey, everything went black.

I made a mashton story yesss

It's called take it back and ashton is hired to be michaels boyfriend for publicity and shit you know the usual

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