the relief

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Michael didn't know why he was holding the article in his hands, but it felt disgusting to touch it. He caught himself in the reflection of the mirror. He was in MikeyMikey's clothes. Why would MikeyMikey come here?

Whatever, he didn't care. All he knew was that he needed to change and get the fuck out of there. He scrubbed off his make-up and ran outside, but stopped short. There was a car. A car with Calum in the passenger seat. He nearly cried right then and there.

He hadn't seen Calum in so long.

He wanted to run over and hug him, but the first thing he did was get in the driver's seat. He put his seatbelt and sped out of there.

"Hey, baby, how have you been?"

The look on Calum's face was priceless. He was as still as a statue, but even statues crumble. He started to cry. "H-How . . . ?"

"Thank MikeyMikey."

Once they were a fair way away from the house, Michael pulled over and leant over the centre console, his hand on Calum's wet cheek. Quickly, he pulled out his contacts so Calum could see his eyes, even if the Maori's were hidden by his hands.

"Babe, look at me," Michael's warm hands took Calum's away from his eyes. "It's me." he smiled.

Calum leant into his hands and Michael put his lips a little closer. When they kissed, everything felt okay again. There was nothing to worry about. They were fine. But, of course, they weren't. They didn't know that.

All Michael could focus on was how Calum tasted like tears and he wished he didn't. It was his fault he did. It was his fault he was crying. He wished he could stay around all the time but he knew that that just wasn't the case.

He envied normal people. People who could wake up and go to sleep confident in knowing exactly who they are. They aren't scared of themselves, because they know what they'll do. They aren't waiting to be taken over by something, because they can't be. They are them, and they always will be.

Michael knew he was a freak, but nobody else needed to.

"Where'd you go?"

"I'd rather not talk about it, Cal; not now." Michael mumbled against his lips and Calum seemed to understand. He didn't ask any more questions, he just climbed onto Michael's lap and continued to kiss him. "You're so pretty." The red-head whispered, and Calum's cheek changed into a fiery colour.

"Shut up and let me make-out with you."

Michael smiled at that, putting his hands on Calum's bum, a cheeky smile bursting onto his lips. "Okay."

They kissed for a few more minutes, but Calum stopped himself and put his forehead on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I missed you so much." He said quietly, hugging him softly.

"I missed you, too." Michael nuzzled his face into the Maori's neck, smiling. "Now, come on, move over, I'm gonna drive you home."

Michael drove him home silently, Calum's hand on top of his as he changed gears. He smiled, quickly kissing him on the cheek every time he thought he could. He was so fucking happy that he was back. He parked the car on the street, not really giving much of a fuck.

They walked through the front door, their cold bodies creating heat. Michael had Calum's legs around his waist, swollen lips touching his boyfriend's. "I missed you so much, babe." He breathed, taking him down the hallway.

Suddenly, there were footsteps. They both held their breaths. "Calum?" It was his Mum. Fuck. Michael put him down so he was standing. The hallway lights turned on, and Michael hid in Calum's room, shutting the door.

"Yeah, Mum?" he tried to look as non-chalant as he could for a teenager with a boner, but he failed desperately. She came out in her pyjamas, squinting at the light. Her sleepy smile turned into a smirk.

"I know you have a boy waiting, so I'll just leave you to it; just remember to be quiet. Some of us are trying to sleep."

He blushed. "Sorry, Mum." And then he rushed into his room to see Michael laughing his ass off. He blushed even deeper. "Shut up." He walked over and straddled the pale boy. Their mood was ruined, but Calum still wanted to be close to him. "You need to go have a shower. I'll find some clothes for you and then we can go to sleep."

"Calum, it's six. We're not going to have a very good sleep if everybody is awake."

"You still need to have a shower."

Michael rolled his eyes, "I know." He got up and walked into the bathroom that was connected to Calum's room. He had a shower, cleaning himself off of all dark make-up that just looked like ash from the fire. When he got out, Calum was fast asleep, so he helped himself to some fresh clothing from his drawer and hung MikeyMikey's clothes up on the wall.

He laid down on the bed next to him, and the Kiwi cuddled into him like he was a pillow. He was tired. He knew MikeyMikey's sleeping patterns were extremely out of whack and he barely ever slept, so he was so screwed, but he couldn't go to sleep. He needed to figure out something to tell Calum.

Where had he been?

Hospital, maybe?

Then why did he come out of a house instead of a hospital?

Fuck, he wished he didn't have to lie, but Calum would never believe him if he told the truth.

Yeah, babe, I'm not really sure what happened to me. My body was with you the whole time. But I wasn't.

"I give up." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

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