the yell

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There was so much yelling.

That was all Michael could think about when he woke up. His eyes were heavy from sleep, so he didn't bother opening them. It was Ashton, he concluded. He wondered why Ashton had to yell all the time instead of just talking. It would get him much further.

"I don't fucking know where they are!" Calum yelled.

"No, but he does!"

Michael knew 'he' was him and they were talking about MikeyMikey and Mikey. And considering that those two were inside of him, he knew exactly where they were. But he knew he'd have to play dumb, like he always did.

He sat up, squinting at the two boys that were in the doorway. He sluggishly got up, rubbing his eyes. "Alright, Ashton, shut the fuck up a little, would you?" he glared at the boy who was already glaring at him. "Leave Calum alone. He doesn't know anything, like he said. MikeyMikey's taking a trip looking for Mikey, so you won't see them for a while. Chill out and stop trying to capture them."

"And where did you go? We all thought you were dead."

Michael tried to ignore how frustrated he sounded that he was alive and answered simply. "I was out."

Ashton scoffed. "You were 'out' for a month."

"I am aware."

His whole body was rigid, determined on not giving Ashton the satisfaction of seeing him uncomfortable. He glared down at the smaller boy, trying to intimidate him the tiniest bit, but he knew it wasn't working because they all knew that Ashton could knock him straight out.

"I really think you should go, Ashton."

He didn't bother fighting back. He needed to go get more ammunition to fire at him. Another fight for another day.

Michael sighed, letting out a breath that he didn't realise he had been holding. He put his chin on top of Calum's head. "What a guy."

"He was actually pretty alright until this whole MikeyMikey reward thing. He just wants the money to support his family and you're making it very hard for him to get it."

"I'm not sorry. I'm not going to give MikeyMikey up just to help some guy that's a dick to me." and because he is me. I am not going to give myself up. I love you too much. Michael hugged him tightly.

"That's fair enough. Can you tell me where he is? I'm just wondering, is all."

"He's home."

Calum left it at that, it evident that his boyfriend was not going to tell him anything else. "Michael," Calum mumbled, and Michael could feel his heartbeat against his own chest. "I . . . I love you."


Love? Love was a strong word. Yeah, he knew that Calum really, really liked him, but love? Was Calum feeling alright? He was seventeen, for fuck sake, he shouldn't be thinking about this. He should be drinking, partying, having fun with his friends, but instead he's cooped up in his room looking after Michael and the different versions of himself.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm in love with you."

Michael sighed, shaking his head as he got himself out of Calum's grasp. "You shouldn't be thinking about this. You should – You should be out partying and drinking and stuff. Not with me. And we've only been going out for like a month. You can't be in love with me."

"Well, why not?"

"You can't do that. You're not allowed to."

Michael sat on the bed and Calum started to laugh at his childish behaviour before realising that Michael was actually really upset. He didn't understand. Why would he be upset? Was it . . . was it him?

Calum felt sick. "You don't love me back, do you?"

"What? Of course I do. I love you a lot, but you really shouldn't tie yourself down to . . ." The older boy's green eyes watered, and his pale face screwed up. ". . . to me."

Calum rolled his eyes at how overdramatic his boyfriend was being about this. "Christ; we're not getting married, Mike. We're just saying our love for each other."

"But you shouldn't want to love me."

The Maori furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at the pale boy. He asked why, but Michael just shook his head, not bothering to answer. He left shortly after, leaving Calum all heartbroken and confused. He didn't know what Michael had done for him to think that.

Nobody should ever think they don't deserve love.

But when you're told that as a kid, you tend to believe it.



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