the diagnosis

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Mikey knew his scaring days were over when he was lead into the police station. He had taken his contacts out and scrubbed his make-up off, but stayed in his clothes. Mikey agreed to stay tied up, just in case he turned into MikeyMikey and lashed out.

Mikey knew what he had done was wrong. He knew scaring the fuck out of them, terrorising them, and screaming at them wasn't what nice people were supposed to do. Even though he was himself at the time, he felt like he was pretty much ordered to do it.

Michael faded into his body, and started to freak out. They hadn't even made it past the doorway. He walked the other way, only for Calum to block him and try and turn him around. "P-Please, Calum, it's me – it's Michael." He told him, tears gathering in his eyes.

Calum furrowed his eyebrows, telling his two friends in front of him to stop. Nobody recognised Michael because of the lack of make-up, so all they got was weird looks when they left the police station. They didn't bother to stay close to Michael, knowing that he knew there was no way out of it.

"C-Calum, I love you so much and . . ." Michael broke down in tears, letting Calum hold him and rub his back. ". . . and I can't see you in prison and I'm sorry, I never wanted this. It was MikeyMikey. He – He's a fucking psychopath."

"It's okay, Michael, it's okay." Calum kissed his forehead, and then his lips. "You're going to be fine, alright? You won't be in jail if you go on the insanity plea."

"But I'll go to an institution. I'm not insane, Cal."

Calum bit his lip. He knew his boyfriend wasn't insane, but there was something so not right about him if he swore he was two other people than just himself sometimes. He didn't know how to explain it to Michael without sounding like he didn't trust him.

Calum led him back inside with Ashton and Luke in tow. They told the officer at the front desk exactly who they had, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head like the stomach over his belt as he got up.

"How did you come across him?"

"Luke knocked him out. He was sleeping in Calum's room." Ashton pointed out the guys as he said their names. "He scrubbed all his make-up off and everything – "

"That's not the rest of the story." Calum blurted out, four heads turning to him. "He's got Multiple Personality Disorder, and things take over him and – and – and it's not his fault, okay?" The Maori started rambling about it, but an officer got him to shut up when Michael was taken away into an interrogation room.

The tanned boy sat on one of the chair provided for him, huffing. All he wanted was his boyfriend. Not Mikey, not MikeyMikey, Michael. Those other two were completely different to him. Michael was soft, gentle and a tiny bit cheeky, but an overall sweetheart. Mikey was cheeky, flirty and extremely touchy. MikeyMikey was just fucking insane and angry all the time.

It was only an hour – with a few people coming in and out – for Michael in the interrogation room. They had given him a lawyer, and he didn't need to be good at his job to know that Michael had what Calum said he did. They would go out on the insanity plea, and that was that.

The court date was in two weeks and they could breathe easy. All they had to do was get a psychologist, Calum and maybe a few other people to get up on the stand and they would be fine.

It was, until, that they said Michael had to see a psychologist that he actually freaked out. He said that there was nothing wrong with him, and that he was fine, it was just that weird things happened to him.

"But don't you want those weird things to stop, Michael?"

"Yes." He nodded, sitting back down in his seat. "Yes." He mumbled, a little quieter.

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