the truth

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Mikey woke up with his wrists tied behind his back. Oh fuck, what had MikeyMikey done now? He didn't recognise the room, or any of the things outside. The door opened, and Mikey nearly squealed. Calum.

Calum would get him out of here.

"Cal, babe, please, please, let me go. I don't know what I did or anything to be tied up, and if this is going where I want this to go, it's fucking kinky but . . ." he stopped when he saw Ashton and Luke walk in. He sighed, shrugging back against the wall. "You got me, didn't you?"

Of course they got MikeyMikey, he was a fucking idiot compared to Mikey. Too ignorant to anything but himself. Mikey rolled his eyes, frowning. He stood up making the three boys in the room tense.

"Untie me, I need to piss."

Ashton didn't trust him enough for him to go alone. So Ashton followed him, standing at the door awkwardly. Mikey smirked, looking up at him while he was taking a leak. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you just wanted to come in here to look at my cock."

Ashton glowered at him, mentally punching what he thought was MikeyMikey. He cringed when seeing that Mikey didn't bother to wash his hands. (It was actually because Mikey didn't want any more make-up to rub off, but it's not like he'd admit that any time soon.)

"You're disgusting."

Mikey giggled, nodding his head. "Yeah." He figured that being happy in this situation would piss him off even more, so, even though he was equally as pissed, he still had a smile on his face.

He was tied back up, extra tight, but didn't even flinch. He found out that it was an old house on the street of where the house that got burnt down was at when he asked him about it, and that nobody even cared about it.

"Calum, did you know that you got the wrong guy?" Mikey asked when he'd been shoved down onto the floor of the room he was on before.

"Huh?" Calum asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm the wrong guy. I slipped in when you walked out of the room and MikeyMikey walked out and we swapped because he didn't want to leave you alone."

There was silence, and Ashton shook his head, wiping his face. "I'm not letting you go. Without you, MikeyMikey's act crumbles. I'm still going to hand you in."

"Like I'm a fucking assignment." The half monster grumbled, shaking his head, but Ashton just pushed him down more onto the ground to shut him up. "Hey, no need to be a wanker, I can sit down on my own."

Hours later, there was music playing in the house, and Luke and Ashton were going to get the pizza they ordered. Calum stayed by the second personality's side. Mikey didn't understand why they hadn't handed him into the police yet. What were they playing at?

Mikey furrowed his eyebrows, leaning on Calum's shoulder. "Baby, could you loosen the ropes around my wrists a little? They're burning." Calum nodded, and only undid it a little.

There was a silence. "Do you know where Michael is?"

"Babe," Mikey bit his lip, sitting up so he could read Calum's face. "He's right here."

"W-What?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows.

"Okay, pizza's here!" Luke cheered as he walked in.

Calum didn't say anything for a while, and he didn't move either, and then he went over to the pizza box and picked a slice out. Mikey nearly drooled. He hadn't eaten in a while. Some people forget that monsters eat too.

"Can I please have a slice?" Mikey asked, licking his lips. "Please." He added, like it would make them change their minds. He shook his legs impatiently. "Please."

Calum rolled his eyes and turned his body to face Mikey's, shoving the pizza in his mouth. Mikey shook his head, trying to get away, but Calum just shoved it further in his mouth. It took Mikey a while to chew, but he eventually got the whole slice chewed down, piece by piece, and swallowed. He was starving, but if Michael's boyfriend shoved it in his mouth again like that, he wasn't going to eat anything else.

He could feel the maliciousness whenever Calum looked at him, and Mikey couldn't bring himself look anywhere but his feet. He got up and walked out of the room, down the hallway. Ashton kicked the back of his knees, making him fall down again. The tanned boy furrowed his eyebrows when seeing that Mikey was crying.

"Stop. Please. I'm not doing anything. It's not me, I'm innocent. I don't scare people. I'm not the one that does it. Why are you punishing me?" Ashton stopped. He walked away and came back with a slice of pizza. He fed him carefully, and even with tears running down his face, Mikey smiled gently. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry that Calum nearly choked you with the pizza. He's just pissed off, you know?"

The dirty boy nodded. "He's the only one that treats me okay, and now he fucking hates me."

"No, he doesn't."

Ashton pulled him up. "You need to have a shower. You smell like shit."

"You're lying." Mikey mumbled, not fazed at how much he stunk. He was never going to have a shower, because his make-up would go down the drain and he'd look like Michael. He couldn't explain that to them. Especially when they were so annoyingly normal.

Oh fuck, his make-up. It would've messed up when he was crying. ohfuckohfuckohfuck. However, his face remained blank, no matter how many thought were running through his head.

"I knew you had a crush on me." he smiled at the smaller boy.

"I do not. Shut up, you're annoying."

"No, you are."

Ashton rolled his eyes, playing with his hair. "You were literally crying a second ago, why are you happy now?"

"I like the fact that you tried to cheer me up, even though you hate me. It's nice. Thank you."

Mikey knew that the only reason he was being nice was because it was easier to get him down to the police station when they weren't fighting with each other. He knew that the station was only down the road and he knew that Ashton was desperate for money.

He went in the room where everybody was only to be tugged out again. Calum's grip was determined as he hauled Mikey into the bathroom, the Maori sitting him on the toilet seat lid. As Calum started to put water in the basin, Mikey realised what he was going to do.

He started screaming so hard that his throat burned and his own ears started ringing. He didn't want to be found out like this. He tried to get up and somehow unlock the door, but with his hands tied behind his back, he couldn't go anywhere.

Calum sighed and put a hand over the red-haired boy's mouth, ignoring the banging on the locked door. Mikey kicked him away as he slipped onto the floor.

"Calum, what is wrong with you?" he tried to yell, but his voice was muffled.

"I just need to see something. Stop screaming." His tone was so calm, like he was trying to cure Mikey from a panic attack or something.

"NO!" he screamed, hiding his face with his thighs.

"I saw your make-up before. Your drool took some off. And then you said how Michael was right here and . . . well . . . everything seemed to make a lot more sense."

"I'm not Michael. I'm in his body, but I'm not him. Me, Michael and MikeyMikey have no control over who's in it." He put his head out of his thighs and tried to look Calum in the eyes. "And I don't know how you've done it, but you've managed to make all three of us fall in love with you."

Calum had to hold onto the sink for support.

Same body. Different people.

Was that even possible?

Calum wanted to cry.

Mikey was already.

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