the frustration

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It was a month later, and this whole thing was driving him insane. He'd been hit nearly every day, which snapped him into MikeyMikey, which got him sedated and then sent him to his psychologist the next day.

She smiled at him patiently, but MikeyMikey wasn't having any of it. She want him to call himself Michael. Like he was Michael. He wasn't that stupid idiot, he was him. He was completely different to that fucker.

"Michael," MikeyMikey grumbled. "I'm Michael."

"You have Dissociative Identity Disorder. You are one person, it's just your personality has been split up. You're a different side to him. But you're all the same person."

"Michael." MikeyMikey repeated.

"Yes, you're Michael."

What was now the extremely angry side of Michael pulled a hand through his hair. "I need to get out of this place. I'm not going to get better if I have guys I want to punch around me."

That was probably one of the most sensible things MikeyMikey had said all month. Dr Mathews didn't know what she could do about that. She couldn't isolate him, because they'd tried that and he didn't do well in isolation. She couldn't take him out of the hospital, because that would be stupid.

"Can Calum come in, now?"

They didn't meet out where everybody else was anymore. Calum got punched in the face and Michael knocked the guy who hit him straight out and got sedated. They offered for the pair to meet more privately in the doctor's room without any interruptions.

The Maori walked in, and Michael smiled, attacking him in a hug. Four o'clock was his favourite time of day. Calum (and sometimes Luke or Ashton) hour.

"So, who am I seeing today?" Michael's boyfriend asked, smiling so bright that his eyes crinkled up.

"The doctor told us that we had to all be called Michael, so . . ."


Calum was glad they were working on shaping him into one personality. However, now that they were all called Michael, his mood-swings would be even more unpredictable because he didn't know which was which.

They'd taken away MikeyMikey and Mikey's clothes, so Michael had to wear a coloured bracelet to show what personality he was. White was Michael, blue was Mikey and black was MikeyMikey. Michael had been wearing black the whole day.

He also wasn't allowed make-up because his roommate took it and used it on himself. He stopped trying to ask the staff for more, because all they did was look at him weirdly.

"I love you." Calum mumbled.

"I love you too, babe."

Michael sat him down and told him what the bracelets were all about, and then asked him how everything was on the outside. Ashton was happily living in a shitty apartment with his family, thanks to his reward from the police station, his wages and his mother's. Luke was getting good grades in school, but left a couple of weeks after to become a tradie with his brother. Calum was 'okay' but 'missing Michael'.

Michael smiled at that.

He was 'missing Calum' too.


I'm sorry this is short it's ending soon

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