the end

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Twenty months.

Michael didn't remember the last time he had been without MikeyMikey. Well, he did, 'cause he never really remembered what happened when MikeyMikey took over him, but still. He liked the feeling of being free. He liked that fact that MikeyMikey wasn't coming back with the help of some medication.

He made sure to tell Ashton thank you. Even if his capture was just for money, and not for the sake of saving him. He thanks him for thinking up a split-second trap. Thanks him for being ruthless, but gentle with him.

He made sure to tell Luke thank you. He thanks him for making him fall into a plan. Thanks him for tying him up. Thanks him for keeping up a tough act.

He made sure to tell Calum thank you. He thanks him for not listening to him, even when he was crying. Thanks him for kissing him. Thanks him for loosening the ropes so they didn't bruise him. Thanks him for forgiving.

He thanks himself. He thanks MikeyMikey for being an asshole, and he thanks Mikey for being flirty. He thanks them for the fact that their traits were his now. He was now a hot-headed, flirty, gentle, cute insomniac that has a love for the sound of static.

He was not MikeyMikey. He was not a monster who scanned every window every night to see if it was his rapist. To look for his eyes to claw them out so man could no longer see. To look for his heart to rip out of his chest.

He'd stopped looking.

He was not Mikey. He was not a half-monster who was a half-version of MikeyMikey, blaming himself and his other personalities for what happened to him. He was not the guy who threw himself into strangers' bedrooms. He was not the guy who chose sex over love because it felt good for five seconds and not a lifetime.

He chose love over sex now.

He was Michael. He was a human who slept with a window open and the static on. He was the guy who used a paintbrush more than his own mouth. He was the guy who woke up every day wrapped in a pair of tanned arms.

And the static was fine now. It wasn't mind-numbing and ear-piercing. It wasn't a million things screaming at him and telling him everything he was not. It was now peaceful, and sounded like rain to him.

It was a symbol of what was, and what used to be.

Every time he listened, he thought about Mikey sitting in the rain. He thought about MikeyMikey screaming whenever he realised that he'd picked the wrong window yet again. He thought about him crying alone with a drink in his hand.


Every time he listened, he thought about Ashton laughing about something he said. He thought about Luke making faces at him. He thought about Calum and him dancing in the rain that Mikey had so desperately cried to. He thought about them kissing.

Every time he listened, he was in love.

I love this chapter so much you have no idea

So thats the end.

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