the confrontation

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MikeyMikey knew what Michael had done, and he couldn't be more pissed about it. If Michael could come out of his body, and become a separate being, MikeyMikey would gladly knock his block off. Stupid Michael, being a people-pleaser and everything.

He grumbled under his breath about how fucking annoying Michael was as he draped a sheet over the staircase so they couldn't see him to start off with. He smoked a couple of cigarettes just before their arrival, wanting to sound and smell like death.

He turned on the static TV, peeking through the sheet to watch it under the staircase. Static was so fascinating. He loved the sound of it, and the look of it, and the feel of it. He bit his lip, and then realised he was rubbing some make-up off, so he stopped.

He turned around, his back to the TV as he bunched himself into a ball. He liked the bed that Michael had made for him. The door opened and he tried to back away as far as he could from sight. He didn't want to see Calum and Ashton. Especially when they organised it. This had put him way out of his comfort zone.

He did want to see Calum just by himself though.


He found the closest thing to him. A glass. He threw in the direction of the voice and heard it shatter against the wall. He started to make monstery noises, moaning and screaming his head off. "Fuck off!" he yelled.

"MikeyMikey, it's just us." Calum's voice soothed him a little, but he kept on screaming.

"Why are you here?"

"We want to talk to you."

His tough act faltered a little, thinking about the fact that someone wanted to talk to him rather than take a photo of him or kill him. "Why?"

"Um, we just wanted to see a monster in the flesh, I guess." Ashton said when they found out that they didn't actually have a reason for wanting to talk to him.

"Jeez, you really know how to get to my heart."

The amount of smokes he had taken had absolutely ruined his voice (– and even if it didn't, they still wouldn't be able to figure out that he was in Michael's body, because he had a different way of talking). He rubbed his eyes. The contacts were killing him. He had gotten those contacts that changed your eye colour and ordered the irises black, just to freak people out a little bit more.

"Get out." He tried again. "I don't want to talk."

The sheet wasn't big enough to cover whoever's feet were walking near him, and he was confident they weren't Calum's, so he grabbed their ankle and dragged them in. Ashton was on his back, laying there with a petrified expression.

"Did you not fucking hear me?" MikeyMikey growled, his nails digging into the boy's ankle, drawing blood.

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry." The boy surrendered, his eyes open wide in fear. The monster punched him straight in the face and another on the jaw, sure to leave a bruise.

"Good. Now get out." He scrambled out from under the staircase, Calum helping him up. "And stop fucking with Michael. He's starting to like you."

"Why is that bad?"

"Because once you get him, you get me too."

I'm going to do a question tag sort of thing next bc idk about you but i love questions so

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