the story

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Mikey needed to make this right. For Michael, for MikeyMikey, for himself. He knew that if he went over to Calum's and talked to him with Ashton, things would be a little easier for them all. Ashton would lay off everybody, Calum would feel a little more relaxed and make-out with Michael or something and Luke would just be Luke.

He put Michael's jacket over himself so it wouldn't be as obvious that he was Mikey and weaved through people's backyards to get to Calum's. He knocked on Calum's window, but there was no response. He panicked a little, not wanting to go to anywhere else in risk of being seen. He crept in the window anyway, figuring that Calum might be in the shower or something. He bit his lip, looking in the guy's mirror as he wiped away some make-up from his hands. Hands were the only thing that were really visible.

He changed into Calum's clothes, figuring he could look a little more normal, and put on a snapback to cover up his hair. He pushed himself out of the window and thought about it for a while. Then he headed to the caravan park.

He heard Ashton's laugh and headed in that direction. He knocked on the door of the caravan, stepping out of view, just to make sure that it was them. Ashton burst out, looking both ways, but Mikey just hid until Calum came out. He grabbed his wrist and tugged him to where he was hiding – the side of the caravan. Calum gasped, but relaxed a little when seeing Mikey.

"Hey, babe, nice to see you again." Mikey smiled, his weird accent clear as the sky as he pinned him against the shitty, old van. "You're looking hot as always."

"Let him go." Ashton growled, but Mikey backed off a little, turning around and pointing to where 'MIKEY' was clearly printed.

"Chill, it's just Mikey. MikeyMikey isn't here; we don't need to get all agro." He turned back so he was facing him and put his hands out in defence. "So, I heard you wanted to chat to one of us?"

"You look like Michael." Luke said, coming out from behind Ashton.

"I know, I put a lot of make-up on so I could talk; so, this better be good."

Ashton sat on one of the deck chairs seated next to the door, dumbfounded. He didn't actually think MikeyMikey – or Mikey, whatever the fuck he was – would come. "Why do you scare people?"

Mikey gestured for them to go inside the van so they could talk, not wanting to be out in public anymore, even if the caravan park was basically dead with visitors. They all gathered around the small table inside. He didn't know why he kept on giving these people a chance, even if he knew that one of them wanted to capture him. He was just lonely. He'd never had any friends before, only a few fucks.

"I scare people because it's fun. Obviously, not as bad as MikeyMikey, I'm not that fucking bad, but still."

"You're terrorising people everywhere," Luke mumbled under his breath.

"Hey, Blondie," he whistled at him to get his attention. Luke looked up. "Do you really think I give a fuck?"

"Don't talk to him like that." Ashton snapped.

"Or what? I already know what you're planning to do to me. Catch me, right?" Mikey scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I'm valuable, mate. I'm not the one you want to be after. You all want MikeyMikey."

If only he realised he was setting himself up, rather than somebody else. It felt like MikeyMikey was just another body. Another soul that he couldn't give a fuck about. When really he was killing three birds with one stone.

"I'm just his right-hand-man. Nothing important. You see, out of all of you, I'm the only one who has ever caught him. I'm his Robin. Your distraction so he can get away."

Or maybe he knew exactly what he was doing.

"There's two of us, and you only want one. But people get me every time. MikeyMikey never gets caught, because I'm left as bait. Get it?"

"There – There's two of you? I thought there was just one."

"For every monster there's his decoy."

He thought sending them on a wild goose chase would be fun. Make them follow him like lost puppies. Lead them in all the wrong directions. He smirked.

"I think I should get a reward for telling you all this. Got any smokes?"

So, Mikey enjoyed the cigarette in absolute bliss, holding Calum's hand, who looked too scared to object. Then, he went home and wrote the plan down, knowing MikeyMikey nor Michael wouldn't know it.

If you're confused, tell me. 

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