the panic

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MikeyMikey had never scared people with such full-blown force, the Michael side of him panicking that someone was going to find out who he (they?) was. He'd scared ten people in one night, and his voice was getting sore from screaming his name over and over. He tried to get the Michael side of him to shut up, complaining that he was fucking annoying.

A flash went off behind him, and he turned around. A fucking camera. It wouldn't stop flashing, just like the paparazzi. He ran at the window it was coming from, successfully breaking the glass of it. He didn't care if his face was bleeding, he just needed to get that camera out of the guy's hands. He took the phone and jumped out of the window.

MikeyMikey panicked a little, because he didn't know how to break a phone. He knew a few people that could, though, and the closest person there was, was a second away. He walked into their backyard and opened up their window. The Kiwi was sleeping and MikeyMikey was slowly turning into Mikey as he watched him. He put his hand over his mouth so he wouldn't scream, and whispered in his ear.

"Calum, it's Mikey without the other Mikey, you've got to help me."

Calum gasped, sitting up, eyes wide in fear. Mikey shook his head, feeling the guy's heartbeat with his hand. "I won't do anything. I just need to figure out how to break a phone so MikeyMikey won't get angry. Can you help?"

The Kiwi was scared shitless as he grabbed the phone out of his hand and slid the back off of it, removing the battery and the SIM behind it, chopping up the tiny memory card with scissors that were on his bedside table.

"T-There you go."

"You're the nicest boy ever. Forget Luke. Michael's right; you're the hottest." He said, making his way out of the window. "Goodnight, Calum,"

Michael was going to regret that in the morning.

"Wait!" The boy in the bedroom grabbed his wrist. "How do you know Michael?"

Mikey chuckled darkly. "We're close."

He pulled himself away from the boy and ran all the way home. He grabbed the scissors he'd swiped from the hot Maori and started to cut up his clothes a little more, grabbing some paint from one of the room and putting red paint on carefully. He needed to look more terrifying.

He knew people were getting bored with him. And he didn't like it.

Scaring people by screaming just wasn't all that effective anymore.

He rubbed his eyes, falling asleep on the stairs.

When Michael woke up, he did the same routine. Took his make-up off. Took his clothes off. Had a shower. He headed downstairs and grabbed a piece of scrap paper and a pen. He needed to make sense of these different versions off himself.


- The normal one


- Half insane, but has empathy towards the people he's scaring.

- 'mikey without the other mikey'


- Mikey x 2 – empathy

- Completely and utterly insane

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