the system

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"What is this?"

MikeyMikey turned, glaring at Calum. "What the fuck does it look like?" when it was quiet, and his question didn't seem rhetorical enough. "It's to determine which one of us is here."

Calum, of course, still lovestruck over Michael, walked straight over to where the missing boy's clothes were hanging. He put his fingers over the sleeves and the hem of the shirt, frowning a little.

"So, Mikey's walking around naked somewhere?"

"If he wants to go for a walk without scaring someone, he dresses in normal clothes."

The Maori nodded, slipping the denim jacket off of the makeshift-hanger and onto his own body. He wrapped it around him and all he could smell was Michael's cologne. The type of cologne that smelt like a forest, but reminded him of the smell of rain on the sidewalk. He smelt like adventures. He smelt like happiness. He smelt like thoughts.

Calum smiled.

"We're taking turns in looking for him; we've checked everywhere but a couple of places." His voice is rough, like he smoked a pack a day. Speaking of . . .

He pulled out a packet of cigarettes. "It's 3AM, what were you doing?" he asked, scratching at the lighter in his pocket and setting the end of the cigarette on fire.

Calum cringed at the smell, but just shook his head slightly. "At a party. Mum's on the late shift at the hospital, so I figured I was safe."

MikeyMIkey opened up a window, sitting on the sill of it. "You drunk?"


The mostly-monster rolled his eyes as he took a long drag of his cigarette. "Let's go for a little night on the town." He smirked, climbing out of the window to watch the confused Kiwi. "Come on, or I'll drag you around." He said, the glare evident in his voice.

Calum hesitantly crawled out, the jacket still excessively bigger than his body. "Where are we going to go?"

"Hold on." MikeyMikey looked over his shoulder to see a car in the neighbour's driveway. He walked over, seeing that the keys were still in the ignition. Idiots. "It's a surprise, baby." He opened up the car and pushed Calum into the passenger's seat.

"MikeyMikey, this isn't a good idea . . ." Calum hesitated, but put on his seatbelt on anyway.

The boy ignored him, backing out of the driveway and speeding down the road. And by speeding, he meant a good twenty above the speed limit. There was no point in hiding when it was 4AM. Everybody who was awake didn't care enough.

MikeyMikey threw the cigarette out the window and tried to think of a place to go. And then he got it. It wasn't exactly the last thing he thought to go to, and he felt like he needed to catch up with the place. He parked.

The house wasn't as burnt as he remembered. Only a bit of the top storey was completely gone. The rest just looked extremely dishevelled. He went inside and looked everywhere. It was fine until the top of stairs where the fire had just started to catch, and then it looked like hell put out with water. He bit his lip.

"Right here, Michael pulled me out and he went back inside to get something." Calum looked down, seeming to obviously not want to talk about it. "But if it makes you feel better, I know he got out."

Calum's eyes lit up at that. MikeyMikey pretended not to like it. He put his back to him and walked around, looking for something. He just wasn't sure what that was. He frowned.

"Let's go."

The next place MikeyMikey drove to was a little more personal. Something told him to go. So he did. He pulled up to an old house. It had been graffitied on a little, and the windows were smashed, but he had a feeling Mikey did that.

"What's this?"

"A house, Calum. Perhaps you've heard of one before?" the monster rolled his eyes, getting out. He walked up the steps. He felt something in the pit of his stomach. Oh, fuck. "Stay in the car." He ordered, and the Maori sunk back into the car seat.

He ran in, being but slowed down when he felt the feeling stay the exact same way it was. He found it hard to digest as he walked around, the stained caramel carpet looking very vomit-worthy as he stepped on it.

He swallowed hard as he looked over the article on the counter that had been cut out. That's A Wrap! He picked it up.

Six-year-old Michael Clifford who managed to steal the hearts of every mother in Australia has been found to have a much bigger plot-twist than any other episode he's starred in. Director Alex Gunner has been arrested for a string of offences against the star of the show. David Clifford, Michael's father, was charged with accessory to ra –

MikeyMikey couldn't do this anymore.

He was out.

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