the affection

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Michael told Calum that they should have a breakfast date, because that was when he was least likely to change into MikeyMikey or Mikey, and even if he did, it would have to be Mikey. MikeyMikey only comes out in the night time. And Mikey wasn't even bad; he'd understand what to do, but he was just fucking cheeky about it. The weird accent Mikey gave off would be hard to hide, though.

Calum laughed and nodded, saying that it would have to be just at his house because he had no money, and toasties were all they could do.

So, on Saturday morning, Michael knocked on Calum's door. It was eleven o'clock. That wasn't too late, right? Or maybe it was too early? Maybe Calum valued his sleep-ins just like most people did. Michael was really hating this date idea now.

Thankfully, the Kiwi was awake, and ready to go. He dragged Michael inside and sat him down on the couch. The news was on, and something flowery filled the air. He turned and saw there were flowers in a vase on the kitchen table, so no fucking wonder why it smelt flowery.

He wanted to punch himself sometimes.

"They're still trying to catch your friend." Calum said, and Michael tried to understand what he was talking about by looking around the place, but then he heard something about MikeyMikey, and he got it. "Better tell him to be careful."

"He doesn't listen to anything I say."

"Where were you born?"

"U-Uh, why?" Michael asked, looking visibly uncomfortable, but his date ignored it.

"I need to know more stuff about you."

"I lived right in the centre of the city for ages when I was a kid, and I didn't like it so I ran away." He was only guessing. He didn't remember much of his childhood, he just knew he was crying a lot, and there was a lot of yelling. He couldn't even remember what his mother looked like anymore.

"Why didn't you like it?"

"I was just . . . things happened, okay?" he couldn't remember what happened, but he was pretty sure he didn't want to remember it anyway.

"So you've lived in that house the whole time? How do you pay for shit?"

"I worked. I just got fired, but hey, what can you do?" he tried to remain calm, but it was hard when he didn't even do or remember half of the things he was saying. He bit his lip. "Can we talk about something else? Like, you?"

Calum furrowed his eyebrows, but started to say a few things about himself. His middle name, his birthday, his favourite colour. Meanwhile, Michael's arm snaked around the back of the couch, hoping that it would just magically fall so he could put his arm around his sort of date.

Calum noticed and snorted, his eyes crinkling a little. "Come on, you fucking pussy," he laughed. "Put your arm around me." Michael hesitantly did as he was told, a little nervous because he hadn't had any physical contact in a while. "Why are you so shy now?"

"I've never been on a date with anyone before. Hell, I haven't been kissed since I was ten, and haven't had a friend since forever."

Calum leant over and kissed him on the cheek. "No need to be nervous. My first kiss was a few months ago, and I've never been one for dates, either."

"That doesn't make me feel any better." Michael pouted, and Calum crawled onto his lap, straddling him, playing with the stubble on his chin.

"Does this help?"

Michael blinked. He couldn't understand how fast this guy could make a move on him. He was struggling with the fact that he'd been kissed on the cheek, but a guy straddling him made him start to breathe uneasy.

He put his hands on Calum's hips. "You're really one for affection, aren't you?" Calum nodded, smiling a little as he leant in a little closer. Then the door opened, and Calum tried to get himself away as fast as he could, but there wasn't enough time. He looked in the doorway. Fuck. Ashton, Luke and his mum. This just couldn't get any better.

His mum wasn't exactly the most accepting person ever. She was coming to terms with her little boy's sexuality, but made him promise no PDA around her while she was still getting used to it. And here he was, on a boy's lap, ready to make-out with him.

And Ashton wasn't exactly the best of friends with Michael at the moment, so that made things even more tense.

And Luke? He went on with whatever Ashton was saying.

Calum gave them all a sheepish smile, getting off of Michael's lap successfully and distancing himself on the other end of the couch. "Hey, guys, what brings you here?" his face grew hot, the thought of being caught red-handed making him blush.

"This is my house." Joy said, giving her son a raised eyebrow. "But it doesn't have to be for a few hours if you don't want it to be."

Well that was one hurdle jumped. His mum didn't seem pissed at all, just a little shocked. But Ashton seemed to not be as accepting as his mum. He looked like he wanted to punch either of them in the face.

"Um, we need to talk to you, Cal," Luke gave him a quick smile, as if to reassure him that Ashton wasn't going to kill him, but harm him severely.

Calum got up, leaving Michael sitting on the couch with a face as red as his hair. They walked outside onto the front lawn and the Maori braced himself for something. An argument. A punch. He wasn't sure. He just knew something was coming.

"Get him to talk about MikeyMikey, or get us to meet up with him." Ashton ordered.

"Do I need to remind you what happened last time that happened?" Calum gestured to his friend's bruised face.

"Please, Cal, I need the money. The reward's going up by fifty dollars ever since he did that mass scare attack."

Calum couldn't do that to Michael. He couldn't take away his only friend, or betray his trust like that. But he didn't want to let Ashton down. He was torn between choosing making his friend happy, or his crush happy, and both of them really deserved what they were going to get if Calum sided with either of them.

He shook his head. "I'm going to finish my date, now. Talk to me later."

"Wait, date? You're dating this guy?" Ashton shrieked and Calum quickly looked to Luke for help.

"We'll talk later." Luke smiled at him, nodding him off while he dragged the angry boy away.

Calum went inside, but Michael was already gone.

I got a new story.

It angsty gang 5sos with malum and lashton.

Its called Calum and Michael.

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