Sal 4

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     You were just chilling at home when you got a text from your best friend Sal. You guys have been friends forever and there had always been feelings there, but neither of you ever acted on them. You unlocked your phone and read the text; "please come over, i need someone." The good part was that he lived within walking distance of you, so it wouldn't take you that long to get there.

     You got to his house no longer than 10 minutes after he sent that first text. You knocked on the door and got a raspy "open" from Sal. You opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind you.

     You walked into his living room to find him curled up on the couch, sniffling. "Hey... hey, what's wrong?" you say, sitting on an open spot on the couch beside him, rubbing his knee. He just sniffled harder and whimpered. "C'mon babe, talk to me..." you say in a little quieter tone.

     He sits up and slouches. "I just- I don't know. I don't... feel good." he wiped his eyes with this sleeve. "I'm not happy with the way I look; I'm overweight, I need glasses, my beard sucks, and just... Not to mention my mental state; I'm nervous all the time, I get freaked out over the smallest things, and lately I've been becoming depressed... I don't know what to do, (y/n)." he sighs.

     "Well..." you say, putting your arm around him. "I think that what you're thinking is normal and it happens to everyone. I know it's easier said than done, but the only thing you can do is take a deep breath and chill, that's what I do. And you know I'm always here to comfort you, hell, I've been going through this forever too. I got your back." you say, squeezing his shoulder.

     "And as for you, physically..." you say, dragging out your words. "I think you're a mighty handsome gentleman." you say as he smiles and sniffles again. "I think your beard is quite attractive, you look amazing with glasses, and as for your body type..." you say, looking into his eyes. "I think it's perfect. You're perfect, you need to realize that. I think you don't quite give yourself enough credit."

     "Thanks, but that's only your opinion.." he says, dragging out the last syllable of 'opinion'. "Yeah, but if you keep telling yourself what I just told you, you'll start to believe it. And once you start to believe it, the better you'll feel about yourself." you replied, looking him in the eyes. He smiles and sniffles. "Yeah... Yeah, I guess so."

     "C'mere.." you say, leaning back and pulling him with you. He chuckled as you ran your fingers gently across the back of his neck, giving him goosebumps. You smiled and put your hand on his side and squeezed him close to you as he snuggled into your chest. You leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"I love you, Sal." you said. "I love you too, (y/n)." he replied.

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