Q 24

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Your friends are assholes, your seasonal depression is coming back around, and you haven't had a steady sleep schedule since before you were a teenager. It's a living hell. You have one thing to be thankful for, though. Your husband Brian is always there for you regardless of what you're dealing with. You could never thank him enough.

Tonight seemed no different. You were curled up on your couch watching Impractical Jokers reruns while Brian was out doing whatever he was doing. You had your favorite snuggly blanket and a lukewarm cup of coffee and all seemed well but you were still in a slump. It was whatever, though. You were in a calm cozy apartment watching your babyboy on TV. Things were alright.

He came home just as you were starting to fall asleep. He was super quiet, though. He knew you loved your naps.

He carefully wandered into the living room and sat down beside you, lifting up the blanket to get underneath with you. "Hey, sleepyhead." he said in the calmest tone possible while wrapping his arm around your waist. "Hey, babe. I'm glad you're back." you said while yawning and putting your head on his shoulder.

"I tried to hurry home. I got you something, though." He said with a giant smile. He carefully pulled a plastic bag full of stuff up from the side of the couch. You smiled embarrassedly; you were so awkward when it came to things like this. In the bag there was a stuffed cat, your favorite candy, and a new set of marker pens. Those were what you use to draw with whether it be in skin or paper. They were the most important thing in your arsenal.

"Oh my god, Bri. What's all this for?" you looked him in the eyes with happy confusion. He pulled you closer.

"Well, baby, I know this is around the time of year you start getting... sadder... than normal. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I just wanted to surprise you with a little something something. The stuffed cat is for you to hold when I'm not here and you need a hug, your favorite candy because even they aren't as sweet as you are, and the markers are for when we have those bonding moments that I adore so much. You know, the ones where you completely cover my arm in what to me look like nonsensical doodles but to you always mean something. I love you, (Y/N). Forever and always, regardless how you feel."

You started to tear up and moved yourself so you could hug him oh-so-tightly. He was your rock, your everything. You don't know what you would do without him. Nobody could ever compare. You pulled away from the hug and kissed him so full of passion, it could have made you sick. You were so in love with this man.

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