Q 23

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Today was not your day. Arguably, it was rarely - if ever - your day. Over time you've grown this hard, emotionless shell that prevented those days from getting to you, but Lord knows it isn't always effective. 

It certainly wasn't effective today.

It was getting to be around late evening and you finally got to come home. School and work both seemed like incessant nightmares. All you needed was a night in with your husband to fix things within yourself, honestly.

Thankfully, Bri was already home by the time you got there. He was lounging on the couch in a stupid nerdy shirt and sweats. God, you loved him. You tossed your bags to the floor and quietly walked over to join him.

You slumped on the couch beside him and rested your head on his chest, wrapping his arm around you in the process. "Hey, babe." he said in a rough voice, as if he hadn't said anything in a while. "Hey." you replied in a voice shakier than you had hoped.

"Is something wrong?" he asked concerned as he turned the TV off and looked down towards you. You shook your head no, but you felt the tears forming and your nose getting red. "Alrighty, (Y/N), spill it." he said while tightening his arm around you. "It's nothing, I promise." you said in denial. A tear dripped down your cheek. "That doesn't look like nothing." he said as he wiped a tear from your cheek.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Honestly. I don't even know what's causing this." you said taking a deep breath and recollecting yourself. "Well, for starters, you're the strongest woman I have ever known, and you don't like letting things get to you. But, babe, it's healthy to let things get to you and to be upset about it. Even the best fall down sometimes. Everything is okay." he reassured.

That alone almost made you tear up.  "I love you. So, so much." you said, looking up into his eyes. "I love you, too, my precious. Now, let's rest up a little. You need it." he said with a smile and a kiss to the forehead.

You two snuggled more into each other and enjoyed the quiet. Neither of you ever get enough of it.

Authors note!!
hey guys i'm sorry for not updating for a while i kinda just let this fall to the side while i dealt with other life things!! I'll try to upload more consistently from now on :^]

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