Right now Michael and I are lying in my bed cuddling we had a sleepover last night, when suddenly I needed to throw up. I claimed over Mich (my bed was against the wall) to run to the bathroom, as I was throwing I had one arm on the toilet with my hand gripping it and the other one my stomach. Mich was right next to me rubbing my back. Yesterday I found out big news I’m pregnant and I told Mich last night, He took it so well I fell asleep in his arm with his hands on my stomach last night. today were going to tell the others, when they finally got here I wasn’t shy about it I said It that and that i was 2 months pregnant and handed them the sonogram, they were shocked. but after they would stop asking questions like (how does it feel, can I touch, when do the baby start kicking) ya tons of questions. That night we talked baby named cuddling on the couch.
“Who’s last name” he asked
“What do you want” I asked
“You’re the one having the baby so you’re last name” he said
“Ok now name… names” I said
“Kaden” he said
“I like that but let’s do more” I said
“Oscar” I said he made a stinky face
“Ramon” I said he nodded
“Kaspar but I like Kaden” I said
“Same here ok girl names” he said
“Fay” I said
“Gabby” he said
“Saran” I said
“I like Gabby” he said
“I agree” I said
“ok so we have Gabby and Kaden I like 2 more months and well know if it a Kaden or a Gabby” he said rubbing my belly
2 months later
I still have morning sickness which I’m doing right now, I hope I finish soo I have a Doctors appointment in a half an hour.
2 hours later
We’re having a Kaden I’m having a little boy, oh funny Mich passed out when the doc put that ultrasound thing in me to see better, I was the one getting something shoved in me not him. But ya a little boy, I can’t wait to meet him I don’t want to wait. We’re at home right now in the middle of the living room, dancing more like swaying back and forth listening to I’ll be your strength by the wanted its peaceful. The baby started kicking now Mich won’t even take his hands off me except for when I go to the bathroom, which is a lot now. I need to pee and pee and Kaden doesn’t help kicking my bladder, I love cuddling with Mich it feels so good and we do it all the time.
2 months later
Let’s just say Kaden is one big boy, and it kind of hurts but Mich helps with that. Cuddle, foot rubs, kissing, making love (yes it help), and my favorite belly rubs.
2 months later
I’m ready to pop and I’m hug I look like I’m having twins, Mich does every thing for me and kisses me every time he walks by me. How I forget to tell you last time Mich always talks to Kaden every night before we go to bed and when ever his bored oh also he sing go Kaden I end up felling asleep to that, today I decided to take a nap but I was woken by sharp pains.
“Michael” I scream just as my water broke
He came running in out of breath
Now it the hospital
I gave birth natural, which hurt like hell with how big Kaden is 9pds that’s crazy. Right now I have Mich next to me in the hospital bed sleeping and Kaden in my arm.
I love you you to soo much