Tathan? Part 2
It’s been 2 years 2 whole years nice I had Alyce and Autumn, they’re both great I love them to death obviously they look the same. Them being identical twins they look a lot like me they have my nose, my eyes, my head shape then they have Tom’s mouth and Straight hair. I have gotten over what happen at least I think I have; I don’t know what I’m going to do when I see Tom. Jay and all the lads were here for me they helped me raise Alyce and Autumn, Jay was there more then the others and he’s so good with them I love watching him play with them it makes my heart flout. I think I’m falling for him but I don’t know what to do with it but sooner or later I’m going to have to tell him, I just hope he takes it well and doesn’t freak. Tom’s getting out today he wants to come over, I said ok the lads don’t understand why I did ether I told them that I think it was that he was drunk that night and the fact that he willingly brought himself to jail he didn’t mean what he did. I don’t know if I forgive him but I know I don’t hate him, I asked Jay to take Alyce and Autumn for the day. I don’t what him to see them yet I’m not ready I need to feel comfortable around him, first to even consider him to be around them. Right now I’m waiting here at a small café for him, I’m a little scared but I’m trying to be stronger.
“I can under stand why you’re scared” someone says
I look up to see Tom
“What” I say
“Your pale, I can under stand why you’re scared” he says
“What do you mean” I ask
“This isn’t about me, how are you” he asks
“No what do you mean” I say with a snap
“Its nothing I deserved it” he says
“Damn it Tom what do you mean” I say angry
“Ok fine but don’t feel bad for me I deserved it for what I did to you ok” he said
“Ok” I said
“I was raped in jail” he said I gasped
No one deserves that no matter what they have done
“No Tom you did not deserve that” I say
He looks at me for a second
“But what I did to you” he says
“You did it it’s the past I’m not dwelling on it, you were once like a brother to me it may me like that again” I say
“No it wont I won’t let it be I did those horrible things to you I only wanted to see you to apologies” he said
“Why Tom thanks that hurts, I want my Tom back and you won’t even let that happen because your dwelling on the past” I say
“Nathan what I did to you is wrong on so many reason” he says
“Damn it Tom I’m the one you did it to, do you see me not wanting you near me I forgot about it. We were drunk and I like the beginning but then you didn’t stop when I asked you were drunk that’s no excuse but I doubt you would have done it if you wont drunk” I say
He just looked at me
“How could you be soo ok with this” he said
“Tom I don’t know but my gut right now is saying I want you in my life even after you did this to me” I say
“ok but I’m not going to be left alone with you the lads are going to be there at all times, and I’m going to have a time limit and its going to be only when YOU want me over” he says
“Ok I can do that but I have to go Alyce and Autumn nape is in a half an hour” I say
He looked at me
“You kept them” he asked
“Why won’t I have” I asked
“They were the out coming of what I did to you” he said
“Ya and they’re the best thing that came out of it and the best thing that have ever happened to me” I say
As I look at him a tear fall from his eye
“Don’t cry Tom I forgive you and they’re part of the reason why I do if you didn’t do what you did, I wouldn’t have them” I said grabbing his hands he looked at me
“Really” he asked
“Yes Tom I forgive you” I said
He nodded
“But I really have to go they may love Jay but they well only take a nap with me putting them down” I say
“You dating Jay yet” he asked whipping his tear away and smiling
“What” I ask
“Really he hasn’t told you yet, he’s like in love with you” he says I could feel my cheeks heat up
“Oh and you like him too” he say and smiles wider
I nodded
“Well go get him dummy” he says waving his hand for me to go
I ran home
I got there and run there the door I go into the living room, to see Jay sitting on the floor with Alyce and Autumn. I just looked at him for a second he looked at me and stood up.
“Are you ok did he do something ill kick his a…” he tried saying
I ran across the living room and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist planting my lips on is, when I pulled away and took a breath.
“I love you like love love you” I say
He smiles wide placing his lips on mine and pulled away
“I have been waiting for years to tell you this, I love you too and I’ve been in love with you for years” he says
Kissing me again