Niam part 4
Niall’s P.O.V
Let just say that things have changed in soo many ways it’s been months since that day months so many months right now I’m pregnant with twins, they are Liam’s and they were planed well we planed on one and got two ether way I love them. The boys are here for me, right now I’m 8 months pregnant and they wont let me do anything nothing, but the unfortunate thing is I’ve been trying to get there attention for a few minute because my water broke and I’m in labor.
“Liam” I ask
“No babe I got it” Liam said
“Zayn” I ask
“Niall I’m with Liam on this one” Zayn said
“Lou” I ask
“Mmm” Louis hummed just walking by going straight to the bathroom not letting me finish
“Ok fine, Harry” I ask
He looked up at me
“You need help up or something” Harry asked
“You could call it that” I said as a contraction hit making my eyes close
I guess Harry wasn’t looking because he didn’t say anything
“Ok coming” He said walking over to me putting his hands out to help me up, I grabbed them but just as I grabbed them a contraction hit and I squashed his hand well closing my eyes
“Ouch Niall that hurts” Harry said
“Ya I know you should feel it for me” I said with a laugh
“What are you talking about” Harry asked
“I’ve been in labor for the past 40 minutes” I said
I could feel his entire body tense up with just my hands in mine
“What why didn’t you say something” Harry said
“Well I tried but it didn’t work everyone blow me off thinking I wanted to help clean up the baby’s room” I said
“Then you should have yelled or something” Harry said
“Harry calm down labor can last up to 30 hours to 30 minutes” I said
“Oh Jesus” Harry said I could really see the panic in his eyes
“Harry calm down please your not helping” I said
“Ok… ok just give me a minute… HE’S IN F%CKING LABOR” Harry yelled
I heard something break in the bathroom, I hear Liam run up stare and Zayn run out the front door. Then I could hear Louis come out of the bathroom, Liam coming down the stares and Zayn come back through the front door.
“Cars ready” Zayn said
“I have the bag” Liam said
“Harry and I will help Niall” Louis said
“God will you guys calm down please” I said trying to walk towards the front door but a contraction hit and Harry grabbed me before I could fall over.
“Ok I may need help” I smiled
15 hours later
15 hours of labor and I still think it was worth it speciously with the out coming of it two beautiful babies one girl Briley and one boy Brody, right now I’m sitting waiting for Liam to come back with the lads holding Briley. I have my hand on her chest holding her. when suddenly her little hand slid down the scare from when I tried to kill myself, a tear fell from my eye for so many reasons if I never had that miscarriage and tried killing myself I wound never have these two. I’m not saying it’s right what I did because it’s not I could have just talked to the lads and it would have been ok, but no I had to be dumb and try an kill myself I kept everything in to the point I didn’t want to live. The world proofed me wrong I’m worth being alive I was meant to be alive, to bring in two new lives to the world.
Then the door opened
Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn walked in as soon as Liam handed Brody to Harry he started crying, I love Harry he has the biggest heart a person could ever have and he wears it right out on his sleeve. When Liam handed Briley to Louis you could see it he has a motherly heart the look on his face was like he would sacrifice himself just to keep Briley safe, then there was Zayn his eyes looked like he thank that Brody was the most amazing thing in the world.
“Harry” I said
He looked up with his eyes red and puffy
“Ya” Harry said
“Would you like to be Briley’s godfather” I asked
He just sat there for a minute and nodded his head
“Yes… yes I would love too” Harry said with tear willing up in his eyes
“Zayn would you li” I was trying to say
“Yes… of course I would” Zayn said
Louis looked soo sad
“Lou you do know we have something for you too don’t you” I asked
He just looked at me
“Would you like to me the twin’s guardian” I asked
He paled a little bit then he nodded
“Yes I would love to but I don’t want you two to ever die ok so don’t you dare die on me hear it” Louis said
2 weeks later
Brody and Briley are doing great the fans love them god its sweet actually when ever we go some where were there’s fans they’ll be quite, there’s a few that wont but the fans take care of that not in a bad way though. All the lads and I got tattoos ya I know what you’re thinking OMG NIALL’S FIRST TATTOO yap my first tattoo for my babies, we all got the same tattoo of a rose with Brody and Briley names in it.