Justin's P.O.V
"If I was your boyfriend, never let you go" I sing leaning on my elbow.
"Keep you on my arm "girl" you’d never be alone" Liam sang sitting up on he's elbows.
I laugh knowing where he's going with this.
"Are you calling me the girl in the relationship? That’s funny because if I remember correctly weren't you just on the bottom" Liam says slapping my ass cheek with a laugh.
See I know he was going to do that it's Liam he's too smart for his own good.
"Don't you guys have interview in two hours" I ask him, I don't want him late we have a hard enough time explaining just me and Liam hanging out. No one knows beside Kenny, the boys know we hang but they don't know what goes on behind closed doors. Well really this was our first time but still we've been doing a lot of kissing, we got caught up in the moment today is our last day for months of seeing each other we're going on tour both of us.
Grunt "damn interview I forgot about it" he says getting up and putting on his clothes.
"I don't want you to go" I pout crawling to the end of the bed.
"I know baby but I need to" he says kissing me on the nose and left.
A few weeks into the tour I finally get to go out and I’m planning the bar, I never really noticed how gross bars smell. They smell bad sweat, perfume, cologne, cigarettes, cigars, beer, and liquor. It smells gross so gross that I’m in the bathroom right now throwing up I didn’t even get the chance to drink because just the smell of the beer is what made me want to barf.
Two months of no partying or drinking just sitting in the motel or tour bus alone, Liam never has time to call so I’m at my lonesome thinking and doing random things like exercise and a lots of it. I have so much time on my hands that I've been noticing that I've gain weight which I don't understand how I've been working out a lot, oh and I haven't been feeling good at all I get up to fast and get dizzy and I feel like I'm going to throw up most of the time, I feel like I'm going to throw up a lot actually.
Another month later
I'm freaking I work out every day but I have this hard little tummy, I'm scared it's not fat it could be stomach cancer? I'm so scared that I'm outside the doctors. Right now I'm sitting on one of those blue exam table shocked, scared but yet happy how could I be happy about this it's not normal. You’re probably thinking what's going on? Well I just learned I'm pregnant how you ask? To be honest I wasn't listening but I don't care use your imagination. The real question is how am I going to hide this? How am I going to tell Liam?
Two months later
It's getting so hard to hide it I'm four and a half months, I know this is weird but I enjoy being pregnant it feels like a gift, knowing I have a life growing inside me.
"Justin mmm you need to see this" Kenny says as he walked in grabbing the remote turning on the TV.
(News Justin Bieber has been seen at the hospital in the maternity ward sources have it that's it's not what you would think, news has it that Justin is Intersex. For the people that don't know what that means, it means that that Justin is one of the lucky few that has both male and female parts. Now let’s talk about Justin being in the maternity ward?)