Two years later
Zayn’s P.O.V
Oh my god Willow, Reah, and Leah are so big, and they look so much like they’re dads. Willow she has a full head of dark-brown curls and big green puppy eyes she even has Harry’s dimples, Leah and Reah oh, they are too cute but completely different personality wise; they both have light brown medium-length feathery hair and sea blue eyes. Reah is just like Louis happy and care free; Leah is more like me; ya care free but shy, and she keeps to herself. Having Willie, Re, and Beah was and still is hard I have two jobs I grow out my hair to a shag so no one noticed me at my job, I work at a used book store/café and another café so two different cafes. Willie, Re, and Beah have a babysitter named Jojo, she’s a sweat girl good with my girls, speaking of work I have to go.
Harry’s P.O.V
Management set me up with this girl named Savannah, I’m not to upset about it because she knows I don’t like her; I’m still in love with Zayn and then there’s the part that does upset me if Zayn sees me with her what he will think that I moved on or something.
Louis’s P.O.V
Liam told me he likes me; ya I was a little shocked and said I need to think about this, when I thought about it Liam is a very good-looking guy, so I told him we’ll try it out, and I swear it was the happiest day of his life with the way he reacted.
Liam’s P.O.V
I’m dating Louis, we’re together this is amazing, and this weekend, I’m taking him out on a date after we tell Niall and Harry.
Two months later
Harry’s P.O.V
How many people live here right now we’re in a small town in the middle of no where for a concert in two days, which is good we can relax, and I don’t need to constantly have to see Louis and Liam making out.
Louis’s P.O.V
“oh stop look at that place it looks like the one down the street from my moms, I want to go, I want to go” I yell pointing to the Pick a Book Café.
The bus stops.
Zayn’s P.O.V
“Willow, Reah stop running” I yell as the zoom by, for two-year olds, they sure know how to move.
“They’re ok no one's here” my boss says
I look down over to the reading couch to see Leah asleep curled up in a ball, when I hear.
“Mmph” someone and then cries
Oh Re I told her.
“I am so sorry” someone says, oh god LOUIS
I stop not knowing what to do.
“Dada” Reah cries
“Baby what did you do” Liam says
Baby are they dating?
“Dada” Reah cries again as Willow collided into my leg and lands on her bum.
“Dada Re faww” Willow says still on the floor
“Dada Re” Willow says pulling on my arm.
I could still hear crying.
“Oh sweaty where’s Dada I’ll go get him” Liam says
“I’m right her, Re honey come here” I say walking around the corner with Willow holding one hand, Reah ran over to me crying.
“Re I told you not to run didn’t I” I say she just nods
I stood up holding Reah in on arm and holding Willow's hand in the other.