Louis’s P.O.V
I just found Harry’s diary I didn’t even know he had one; well we aren’t in a relationship so how would I know.
Just when I was going to put it back something fell off the dresser making me drop the diary to catch what was falling, I caught it and put it back but when I looked down the diary was open and I saw my name. I picked up the diary I know it’s wrong to read someone’s diary but my names in it, what no why would my name be in he’s diary. That night we did this we told each other it meant nothing, does it mean something to him. I’m not going to deny that that night didn’t mean something because it did, it turn out to mean more then just feeling. I opened the diary to the first page, and saw doodles of my name.
Harry’s Diary
(I think I’m in love with Louis I don’t know maybe it’s just brother love but if it was that, why would I feel butterfly every time he touches me, smiles, sings I get goose bumps with that one, or when he looks me in the eye. I can’t help but get butterfly, have my heart swell up, my body get warm, and I get overly happy all this sounds so wrong I know I’m bi but he’s straight.)
A different day
(Today we were in the changing room and obviously change, I tried to soo hard not to look but I did. Which was a bad idea because insanely I started to get hard and Niall notice, I put my jeans on as quickly as I could and got out of there, Niall followed me he asked me and I told him. It’s not like I could say no because I was still hard tight against my jean, so Niall knows and he keeps telling me to tell Louis.)
A few weeks later
(My feelings haven’t changed if anything they got worse, well today we’re having a party shhh there’s going to be beer thank god I need to get my mind off everything. Half way through the party I thought about a semi good idea, I’ll fake being drunk and tell Louis how I feel. Well let’s just say he was welling to try and when I mean try I mean s3x, and we did it but to my disliking we both woke up and said it was a mistake that hurt like hell.)
2 months later
(I’m not over him not even close I’m to the part were I’m always watching him, Niall says I’m being super creepy but I don’t stop. Especially when I have notice Louis is sick, He’s been throwing up 2 to 3 times a day, I think he’s stomach hurts too because I notice when he’s just sitting around his nose well wrinkle up and he’ll close he’s eyes, then these he have lost a lot of weight. I’m worried and scared I just hope he gets better and if not, I’m dragging him to the doctors myself.)
2 months later
(He went to the doctor a month ago and he’s on meds he takes them 3 times a day, he’s not getting any better if anything he’s getting worse and all the boys notice now too. He’s bones are showing makeup spends an hour on him to make him look healthy, I’m terrified I hope he’s not dying I couldn’t handle that.)
{Some of the words were blurry}
“He cried over me, I’m worrying people that bad” Louis
2 weeks later
(I really didn’t mean to but I walked in on Louis getting dressed, I could see all his bones his spine and shoulder blades but then he turned around {I let out a small sob but he didn’t hear it} I could see his collar bones, ribs and his hips were protruding out. thank god I covered my mouth as tears fell down my face, then I looked up to a small bump protruding from his stomach with Louis’s hands on it. I quietly backed out and closed the door, as I walked to my room crying. I thought about the bump a few times but the only real thing I thought about is how skinny he is, I need to ask I need to get up the nerves and talk to him about my feeling about everything)