Niam part 3
Harry P.O.V
It was like a nightmare watching the EMT trying to get stuff in the small space around us to keep Niall alive covering and cleaning Niall’s wrist, I watched Niall chest fall up and down slowly in slow motion. When his chest stopped moving I took a deep breath holding it in as my heart hit the ground and a tear slid down my face as I closed my eyes, the next thing I know I’m hearing the EMT saying he’s back. I broke now balling and taking heavy breathes everything started getting blurry and then I heard the EMT saying, I was having a panic attack and I blacked out.
Louis’s P.O.V
I sit in a hospital chair across from two hospital beds, I know I should be happy in some way since Niall’s alive but I’m not just the thought that Niall tried killing himself when he could have talked to us me, Harry, Zayn, even Liam. Liam god he won’t even come in here I think he blames himself, he may have been the one who got Niall pregnant but losing the baby wasn’t.
Liam’s P.O.V
This is my entire fault I… I don’t know what I should have done but I should have notice Niall was sick, I’m his boyfriend… am I still his boyfriend I don’t know. He lost something he lost a piece of himself literally a piece of me and him, a baby did he want it of course he wanted it if he didn’t he wouldn’t have done this. Would I have wanted it I would like to think I would, it was mine too.
Niall’s P.O.V
I hear snoring wait what I’m hearing some one snoring, I open my eyes and sit straight up winced at pain because of my head pounding and my wrist, and I tried killing myself… I tried killing myself but it didn’t work. The boys are going to hate me… the boys oh god they were there oh god I told them, I told them everything. I started looking around the room Harry was in a bed next to me Louis was in a chair in front of the beds where are Zayn and Liam?
Zayn’s P.O.V
I know a lot has been going on Niall trying to kill himself because he was pregnant and had a miscarriage. Its affecting every one Liam is blaming himself, Louis has become the new daddy d or as I would say mommy d because he is acting like a mom, then there’s Harry his been asleep since Niall has gotten here which as been two days, well I think I’m a little numb. Right now I’m standing next to Liam how is in his thought right now, when I heard the door open I thought is was Louis but when I turn to look it was Niall.