Naill's P.O.V
It's been 3 months since that night me and Zayn did it, you want to know two things that make that night so much more worse is he forgot all about it and I'm pregnant. Yes I'm pregnant I know what your thinking but get over it I'm pregnant and I'm a guy, oh and obviously I'm 3 months pregnant. right now we're at a signing I'm not a fan of signings but now that I'm pregnant I hate them all the screaming fans, come on pregnant people get headaches so I have the right to be bitchy about it that and the mood swings.
"I love you Niall" fan
"ohh Harry" fan
"Mmm Louis god his ass is so" fan
When the fans knocked down the Crowd Control Barrier and came straight for us, most of the fans went to Harry and Louis who were standing right next to me. A girl that was trying to get to Harry elbowed me in the stomach; I freaked out and pushed through the crowd with my hand on my stomach. I got to the bus and told the driver to take me to the flat now and he did, on the way there I started thinking I'm in a big boy band I'm not going to be able to hide this I need to leave. When I got to the flat I packed all my stuff and left taking a cab, I didn't know were I was going but I needed to go.
2 months later
I didn't loss the baby from the elbow to the gut and I'm 5 months now I found out I'm having a boy. I live in a one bedroom apartment its not bad I like it, the bedroom could fit to full beds so that plenty big enough for me the living room and kitchen are nice too. I'm putting the baby in my room; I want the baby in my room because the S.I.D.S scare the shit out of me. I'm almost done shopping for the baby I'm getting everything off line. I have the crib, diapers, baby cloths, and this little stuffed crocodile when I saw it I had to get it.
2 months later
I'm in the hospital right now I went into labor sooner then we wanted I went into labor at 7 months, I had my baby boy he's beautiful he has Zayn's big brown eyes but his are more like caramel then brown. He's really small but they said I could take him home tomorrow; I'm so excited to bring him home.
Oh and I named him Zander
2 months later
I have a job now and Zander has a wonderful babysitter, which was very hard to find because of me liking for someone that doesn't know or caring who I am. Her name is Leah she knows who I am but she said she would never say anything that and I had her sign a paper so she doesn't, I work 4 hour at a grocery store well there is something good that comes out of it I get 20% off on everything.
A year and 2 months
Zander's two now running around the apartment very active like me same with eating and talking, so he has Zayn's looks and my personality. I love him soo much he's my baby.
"Dada me hungry" Zander
"Ok what do you want" I asked
"Dada's mac & cheese" Zander
"Babe we don't have stuff to make that and if 8" I said
Zander started tearing but
"How much do you love me Zander" I asked
"Dada that's a silly question" Zander
"Well how much" I asked
"I love you more then all the stars" Zander
"Oh babe I love you too" I said
"Dada how much do you love me" Zander asked smiling
"I love you more then all the fur on every animal in the word and to make you dada's M&C" I said