Jaymi P.O.V
Olly and I have been together to I have no idea it feels like forever, well love is forever and I love him. We have talked about having kids but obviously we thought of adopting or a surrogate, but to our surprise Olly can get pregnant himself and he is pregnant. He’s 2 months we just found out like a week ago, I felt no I feel for him throwing up, cramps, having extra weight on he’s back, and soon the baby kicking his bladder and ribs, I think the only good thing that comes out of this is the baby. Right now Olly is lying on my lap on the couch watching TV; I have my arms wrapped around him with both my hands intertwined on his belly right under his belly button. I’m excided I’m going to be a dad me a dad him a father or papa or popop there are so many names our kid could call us. That world our that is our baby, my DNA and his DNA our baby.
2 months later
Olly and I are finding out what we’re having, I hope it’s a girl but Olly wants a boy. Ya I know what your thinking wouldn’t we be opposites him wanting a girl and me wanting a boy nope I want the girl, well really I don’t care what we have I’ll love he or she none the less. Right now we’re in the waiting room, I hate waiting I get antsy badly to the I make Olly motion sickness. Why went in guess what we’re having no ok it’s a girl we’re having a girl, now were at home cuddling in bed.
2 months later
Olly is 6 months pregnant and already want her out; she kicks him a lot I don’t think he’s slept in 3 days. Still throwing up too, the cravings are funny pickles and salt, salt and vinegar chips dipped in chip cheese, and my favorite a banana, pickle, peanut butter, and relish sandwich.
2 months later
Olly is ready to pop and is moody as hell, but I think he has the right to me I know I would be. We’re going to name her Hanna, I know what you thinking Olly and Jaymi are giving they’re daughter a boring ordinary name like that. Yes we both like it a lot so its going to be my no our daughters name, I’m hoping to meet Hanna soon so does Olly but Olly wants her out for more reasons then just wanting to see her.
1 month later
I guess Hanna wanted to stay in a little bit longer then here do date, but she here she so beautiful I don’t want to let go of her. She’s a big girl too, I feel bad that Olly had to push her out but according to him we’re at least having 4 kids and he’d go through this all over again just to have them in the world.
4 years later
Hanna’s for and she’s a big sister to a little boy named Bo see now you thinking that’s a baby name for Olly and Jaymi kid, well yes his name is Bo and he’s 2 yes we had another one 2 years after. Which is funny because we started trying a year after Hanna came, so we gave up which Olly was racked he wanted more kids. In he’s word he wanted to give me more kids, I told him that it doesn’t matter you gave me Hanna. Then boom he was pregnant with Bo and now we have another on the way, yap another this time he wanted to year later oh and they’re twins.
This is my family and I won’t change it for the world