I Didn't Even Know I Was Pregnant part 3

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Ashton's P.O.V

It was what I've always wanted, him to love me and he does. This isn't the time to freeze, he's in labor about to have our kid.

"Luke you have no idea how you saying that makes me the happiest person in the world, Luke I love you. I love you more then just a band mate or a friend, I love you so much I can picture our wedding" Ashton says "And what makes it even better is your having our baby" Ashton finishes at this point Luke was in tears

"I'm ready if you are Luke, you need to push or get cut open" Ashton says

"Okay" was all Luke could say as the nurses removed his pants and boxers.

"Luke, I really do love you. We may not be ready for this but I'm here with you and I'm ready to try" Ashton says as Luke bears down to push.

A few hours later

Ashton watch in a blur as the nurses carried they're baby way, no cry or anything. Worry rush through him, what if.... What if the baby's dead.

"Where's the baby" Ashton asked

"They're just checking her over" the doctor said

"Her... It's a girl" Luke asked

"Yes a girl, a very healthy eight pound six ounces baby girl" a nurse says walking in with a pink bundle.

Luke started crying I don't know why, I don't know if he's happy or sad.

"Would you like to hold her" the nurse asked Luke and Luke panicle shacks his head no.

That hurt Ashton's feelings so he took the baby, they're baby. She was beautiful the perfect mix of Luke and himself, at least that's what he saw.

"There are two young men asking to see you" the nurse says

Shit Michael and Calum, what... How am I going to tell them. A little whimper from the pink bundle made me think why say anything when I can show them. I walk out into the hallway, walk for a few just watching her as I walk.

"Ashton" Michael calls making me look up

Calum stood up looking right at the pink bundle, I walk closer and she cried out.

"Ashton why are you holding a baby" Michael asks confused

"Luke" was all Ashton could say

"What about Luke" Michael asks as Calum sits back down

"Luke was pregnant" Ashton says

"Was" Calum says standing up again

"Ya was" Ashton says lifting up the pink bundle

"He had it" Michael says looking at the bundle

"Yes he had her" Ashton says holding the baby close.

Author asking you what should we name the baby, baby names out there nothing super normal k. Full name first middle last, Ashton's last name for the baby.

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