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It was just two of them for dinner, none of them spoke for a while but then someone had to broke the ice.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Asked abhi who was just dying to ask her this.

"Can't I come alone?" Siya cross questioned frowning.

Abhi twitched his lips- of course she could come alone why was he behaving like big deal?

No right.

He looked at her who was silently chewing her food and not bothering to look upto him, this pissed him to the core.

None of the girls he met behaved like that before.  In fact girls used to die to just got his attention and here was this girl who was eating as if she was born to eat only.

Reluctantly, he too ate his food glancing over her every now and then.

"What's there in desert?" He asked wiping his lips.

"What do you like to have?" She asked politely this time, cleaning up the table and serving the dinner for shikha too.

"Let's go for ice cream, " he proposed.

Really?  Ice-cream?
Both thought.  Of course both knew that Abhimanyu Rathore was not so Ice-cream type of man than proposing for Ice-cream in dinner was big thing.

Little did he was scolding himself for such a silly thing but siya was now enjoying everything.
Isn't it awesome that the person you love try hard to stay close to you?

Of course it was. And siya was enjoying the phase In herself.

Wrapping the shawl around her frame she lazily smiled at him and stepped inside his car. He looked over tired figure and smiled.

How she managed to look good?

He ignited the car and they drove to the near by ice cream parlour.

"We have an important meetings with the other board members tomorrow, I hope your presentation is ready by now,' he started a convo though professional but he knew only professional talks were good at that time.

"I am almost done. Just final touches and your green signal is left,"she smiled.

"Shikha will be so happy, " siya chipped after a while.

"Doesn't she miss her husband?' He asked licking on his Ice-cream.

"One can never forget the person whom he or she lost heart to. And her husband is her baby's child. You don't even know how much she has gone through," her voice dropped as she remembered those slangs and curses people used on her but how bravely and strongly she stood before the society and set her own cafe which is now going to turn in such a huge project by The Rajout Leagency itself.

"But I know any person who have you in their life will be so happy," abhi spoke looking at her lovingly.
The gaze of his' cause her to blush which he liked the most. It was like someone gave him the hope.
He wasn't wrong when he said that she was hope to anyone; 'cause reality was screaming to the fate that he was having the lost hope due to her. His barren life was now fertilising some dreams that he wanted to fulfil with her- his dreams were of only about her.

"Uhm.. can you come to my house tomorrow morning? I need help in mm.. something, " he hesitated a bit.

Siya chuckled as she knew what was it.

"Of course, help with tie. I know you, abhi," she chuckled licking over the stick of her Ice-cream.

"Its not that. Don't laugh ok," abhi frowned and pouted.

"Ohho... its epic,isn't it? The great Abhimanyu Rathore doesn't know how to tie a tie," she said and laughed humorously.

"Stop it yrr. It isn't like that, " she again pouted.

Siya felt a sudden urge to pull those cheeks like other days and she did this time without thinking about abhi who was just waiting for her to tell him that she was comfortable and her this move explained everything.

Pulling his cheeks, teasing him and blushing herself,  siya was behaving as if they were couple.  As she realised that the people around were awing on them she distanced herself from him and walked upto the car and sat there.

It made him disappointed a little.  He was enjoying and just for few 'people' she was all shy again.  But what if she was already friend-zoned him.

The thought shook him and he was ready to do anything to show her that he wanted more than friendship.

Wasn't he behaving like idiot?  He thought.

But the truth my friend is love makes you idiot at all.

The journey back to home was silent.

"I will come by 7:30 in morning, " she chipped and with a good night she was out of his sight.

He felt a little disappointed but what more was he expecting,  a good night kiss?

~ Next Day~

The kitchen was filled with smoke everywhere and the smell of burning breakfast made it worse. Abhi was coughing continously and his cough made his face go all red. He clutched his stomach as his cough wasn't dieing instead the strong smell of burning speices was causing the misery.

As the door was unlocked, siya entered his flat but soon panicked on watching the flat almost on fire. She hurriedly went in kitchen, turn off the knob and threw the pans in sink and pour some water there. She took a glass of water for abhi and patted his back to make him feel better and made him drink some milk.
"You okay now?" She asked once his breathing were civilised.

"Wooh! What was that?" He asked more to himself in disbelief.

"You almost lit up this house," she chuckled and abhi held his head in his palms.

"I am doomed," he cried which made siya chuckled.

"You could've called me Abhimanyu. There was no need to do that," she smiled at him.

"I hate bothering people, " he huffed.

"That you just did is known as bothering, ok? And I always love to do things for you," she glared him.

"That was when I remember everything.  Now everything is just blurred image for me. So I don't like taking help," he shrugged.

"But we are friends, and I still see you as same person, you haven't changed, " she urged.

"Then why don't you call me abhi", he questioned her.

She again avoided the question and cleared the area.

"Go and get ready. I will make the breakfast," she said and with a look at her abhi was now going towards the room.

She prepared the breakfast and took the tray to his room.

He was changing by then and was only in his pants that too undone.

Colour of embarrassment rose on her and she wanted to took a quick exit but abhi smirked sensing what could possibly running in her mind.

Lazily he took his shirt and buttoned them up. She turned when he tugged his shirt in but he was quick to make her turn towards him.

"Will you help me to tie this?" He asked and added "and bring that sandwich along I am running little late," he excused and siya took a tie and sandwich for him.

Isn't he acting weird? .... she thought.

"Feed me,' he ordered looking into her eyes when she came closer to him.

The moment heated and she just did what he asked her. Deliberately he kissed tips of her fingers and she shivered at his touch.

She herself didn't know what was gotten into him!

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