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Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a situation where you want to kill someone yet you can't, as you care too much for them?  Yeah, Siya was totally into that. Since her mom left she was doing nothing but asking her father either to come down or bring her mother along with him.  Childish yet true, some people are worth that wishing. Maybe those parents who thought their daughters are burden should have a closure on the situation  when their one son abandoned them and the daughters took a good care for them.  Despite her mother's venomous words she was contended she stood up for herself and was proud but the other part knew that from now she was literally left alone in this world.  For sure, it wasn't fictional world still how she take a stanf for herself doesn't allow her to look back now, her pride was too much to look for the world she was leaving behind. Yes, she had left her home but now she was alone and homeless.
With those thoughts she arrived her ranted apartment where she shared space with her former lover Abhimanyu Rathore. She wondered what he thought of her.  Was she a burden to him too?  No, she didn't want that, she wouldn't bother anyone from now and the only person she could rely was Shikha. The womanwho herself went through a hell lot,  she inspired her.
As she entered the house she was met with hilarious sight of the apartment, she was sure she tidied it in morning. In her peripheral she caught the sight of Abhi looking out of the window.

"I know Abhimanyu, you own the place but that's no reason for you to turn it upside down," she snapped, still for her situation that was a normal act anyone would do so. Abhi kept looking out of the window that's when she noticed him clutching some papers.

"I'm talking to you. Come on, it'sno way to respond," she quickly said.
Still no response. What?  Was it his way to treat him?  Oh! Did he want her out too?  No. That can't be possible.

"what is it Abhi?" she carefully asked.  The matter was beyond serious as she observed.

"Was there someone I like?" he slowly asked, gulping . He was definitely thinking something.

"W-what?" she was confused of the sudden question.

"I asked, was there someone in school, was I in love?" he asked desperately, looking in his etes she saw the need to know.

"I.. I,  why do you say so?" she stuttered. She should be happy but was confused, why this sudden question? Does it mean he was remembering something? It was good.

"I got the hold of these songs I wrote back then,  I want to know Siya. I want to apologize to her if it's real because I am engaged now, " he answered. Wait? He want to apologize that he loved her? No! No!  Her heart screamed, why was world cruel to her.
"I don't know, I was introvert then," she bitterly answered.

"I just hope she isn't waiting for me," he said, hoping to find that girl soon.  Maybe the one who calmed her would be the girl for him too?  What?  What was he thinking?  He was so confused.

"just tidy the room,  I'm going," she snapped. It was too much. Now she want to just cry and that's what she was going to do, exactly.

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