thirty five*

127 13 9

*I accidentally posted Chapter 36 before Chapter 35. Here's 35 now! Sorry!


My father's financial reports lay in a scattered pile around me. I don't' know where to even start with all of these. I realize how little I know about this. I know I should just search the internet for it, but I don't have the energy.

Besides, it's not worth the waste of time, right?

Marcia Quintana said she would take care of it as long as I kept quiet.

Should I believe her? I have no way of knowing if she's doing her job after all. For all I know, she could be screwing me over. It would make sense. She hates me and my father after all. Why not push me into bankruptcy?

I freeze when I hear a noise down the hall. It's not a random creaking noise of a house settling. It's someone creeping down the hall, trying not to be heard.

I silently spring off of my bed and look for a weapon. I have nothing. How could I have been so stupid? Why wouldn't I have at least something to protect myself?

I didn't think I would be attacked in my own home. There's no one who would attack me.

Except for the city guard who killed my father. Maybe he's after me too. Did my father owe him something? Maybe my father beat him in a game of gamblimg and he's a little jealous.

It doesn't matter what his motive is. He might kill me either way.

I force myself to take a deep breath. I'm panicking. I don't know that it's a murderer. It's ridiculous. How would they have found me?

The same way Julia found me?

I walk to my bookshelf and grab the biggest hardcover book on the shelf. It may not be much, but it might be able to do some damage. If I hit them hard enough, I might be able to stun them so that I can make a run for it.

I hide beside the door. There's a chance they don't come in my room. Maybe it's just a thief. Maybe they'll go in my father's office, steal his computer, and leave.

Instead, the footsteps head right for my room.

My hands shake as I hold the book. This is stupid. I can't stop this person with a book. I need to...I need to...

The person knocks on the door.

What kind of criminal knocks on the door. I hesitantly lower my book and open the door.

It's my father's friend, that one that continuously checks up on me.

I blink at him, "What are you doing here sneaking around my house?"

"I wanted to know if you were still here."


He crosses his arms over his chest, "I have a feeling you aren't really staying at a friends. I think you are going to try to live it out until you are eighteen."

"So what? Why do you care?"

"Because I am your father's friend. I can't let his daughter just stay here all alone. You are going to come home with me. My wife will clean out the guest room and it'll be yours until you turn eighteen. You can go to school with my son, or you can continue your homeschooling online if you would like. We will feed you and give you a room, no charge. Although, I may encourage you to get a job, just so you can gain some savings."

I shake my head, "That's really a lovely offer, but it's too much to ask. I could never repay my debts to you."

He smiles, "That's the best part. You won't owe us anything. I was your father's, and your mother's friend. We are practically family."

" knew my mother?"

"Of course. I was actually your mother's friend first before I was your father's. We went to school together. She was the fastest girl on the playground, you know."

I find a smile growing on my face despite myself. Any new piece of information about my mother I store away carefully. My father was always willing to talk about her, but different people are always adding to my memory of her.

I say, "Thank you, but..."

He shakes his head, "I won't take no for an answer. I'll be back in an hour. I just need to help my wife finish cleaning out the guest room and tidy up the rest of the house for dinner. If you aren't packed by the time I return, then I guess I'll have to help you pack."

He catches on to my uncertainty, "Give it two weeks. One week. I don't care how long. Just try. If you don't like it, I'll let you come back here and take care of the finances for you. I just think it is best you live with someone who can care for you all the time? What if you got hurt and there was no one to call for help."

I press my lips together, afraid that if I try to talk, I will burst into tears.

He says, "I'm going to leave you to get packed now. See you in an hour."

He closes the door behind and I hear the front door close.

I sit on my bed and stare at the wall, trying to make sense of everything that happened. I think for a second and then begin packing with a smile on my face. 

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