sixty three

100 15 2


I fiddle around on the internet. I know that I should be doing things to prepare me for my death. Shouldn't I be looking up defense techniques? Ways to use different things as a weapon. Different ways to kill a person.

Instead I am watching cat videos.

I sigh and click over to the next tab. I search offensive techniques.

And then an idea comes to me.

I should look into the jail report page. Maybe there's some record there about what happened to my father. I never tried to hack into that website, because almost everything that is in the reports for the jail is already on the Assembly's report page.

I find the page and begin breaking in. I allow my mind to wander, thinking of Julia.

It's past one. Her mother has returned. What did her mother have to say? How much does she know?

Is Julia in danger? Should I have stayed in their house and hid so that I could protect her in case she needed it? Did I just leave Julia to her death?

I shake my head.

Her mother wouldn't kill her.


The website opens up to me and I look through the records. I do an all website search of my father's name.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

According to this website, my father never checked out of his jail time.

He never checked in.

The reports of this website told me that my father never even went to jail.

Did he actually make it to the prison or did he never arrive?  

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